nerd swamp help

ok since Im very new to all this and finally have all the files on my system located in one place a few issues still crop up...
1st nerd swamp i can get trees, cypress knees , moss and limbs but no water no background plants though they show in the same folder materials i believe as available and i get the small box saying its loading but it does me no good if they are invisible
2nd issue is with the loading of v4.2 I would like to use her by default and apply some of the people i have bought to her but no such luck though some will apply to genesis but not all saying that no EVO pack is found (another purchase i guess)
I would really appreciate any help with this also have a ticket in on why morphs++ for v4 will not install:sick:.
I imagine that the EVO pack refers to Genesis Evolution Head and Body Morphs. What issues are you having loading V4, and why can't you apply characters to her? If you have bought characters for Genesis, it will state what is required on the Product Page. Can you give an example of the characters that are giving the error?
Morphs++ MUST be installed into the same Runtime folder as V4, or they will not work. Are you getting a file not found error?
Lastly, what Operating System are you using?
ok here is the content screenshot as i see it as you can see it ids trying but no selection can be made
You are trying to load a Poser MC6 file. DS never used to load these at all, but it can now I believe.
Is it Nerd's Soggy Bottom you are referring to? If so it has DSA material presets specially designed for DAZ Studio which you should use instead of Poser material files.
Change to DAZ Studio Formats, and look for the DS (DSA) material presets. Does the readme file not tell you whare these files are located?
Load the objects before trying to apply any material to them.
This one is a little more confusing... the DS material presets are side-by-side with the old Poser pz2 style mat presets (not the mc6 ones). So you'll need to look at Poser Formats > My Library > Pose > Nerd 3D > Swamp to find them. (Note that it is NERD3D not NERD3D. See screenshot. :)
(The little scroll icon lets you know that there is an associated DAZ Studio script by the way).
ok as to the material set here it is but no action takes place notice it says i must select an object first there are no objects as this is the first step in designing a background with 3d objects in it..............what am i missing here ?
Like any other items, you must load the 'object' first, and then apply the material. The items you are trying to laod are in the Pose folder which tells me they are materials. Go to the Props folder (or Figures) and find the Cypress tree first, load it, and then apply the material to it.
Everything in the swamp is a CR2, so again Poser Formats > My Library > Figures > Nerd 3D > Swamp and you'll find the actual objects.
Thank you found them but only after the second adamr reply with the correct area to look in poser library FIGURES nerd 3d swamp
the scattering of the files makes this wonderful system quite complicated for a novice such as my self. Is it not possible to put all the files in one place that so when you want v4 instead of v5 or gen you can find them and all other objects that will render right into the scene in a file called lets say objects? So if you wanted a tree it would also be there and any object that was a stand alone object would be there easy to find? the poser library seems to do this and breaks down with figures expressions hiar etc is this where i should look for most of my DAZ stuff?
Thank you for your patience and help with out this forum and the sage advice of the people here this would have been a huge waste of money and time but it is an asset to my work not to have to draw out scenes over and over again just pose the figure, print it out and paint what I see.