Metadata overide not working right

I'm very upset, but I'm trying to be rational about this. Forgive me if I get rambly.
I spent some time this afternoon making custom metadata for last year's Fantasy Castle 2011 and accessory sets (personal user categories, re-categorizing "scene" items as sets so I could merge them into a scene, and yes, removing the "default" metadata). After that, I discovered that I had to reset and reinstall the DAZ files for those items. Sigh. Not happy, but it happens.
I made a point to save/export my user data before I did the re-installs.
I opened DS immediately after moving the files and not before, so there was no interim Metadata writing.
I made sure that when I opened DS again after I did the re-installs and move the folders into the Content Directory, "Override with User Metadata" was checked on the load Metadata window.
As far as I can tell, I did everything right to make sure that my User Data stayed.
All but two files wound up having all the user categories metadata overwritten.
Considering the number of Genesis outfits and other items that need resetting and adjusting for DS4.5, I can't help but see this as a bug, and a rather serious one. But it could be a glitch or even user error.
However, the only thing I can think of that would be my fault as to why it didn't work is because I deleted the Default categories Metadata... except that's how I keep track of what I have and haven't categorized. My plan is to eventually only have in the Default category any new installs, and then only until I get them organized into the appropriate user defined categories. Requiring that the jumbled mess that is the default categories to remain is just... well, sloppy, in my opinion. (Actually the words I would use are a lot harsher than that, but as I said, I'm trying to be reasonable. For the most part, I find the default categories useless.)
Aha! I think this is where I made my mistake. I read "User Data Overrides Product Data" as "Override with User Metadata." That is, if I re-installed an older product that I had created User Data for, that now came with metadata, the older User Data would take precedence over the new metadata. I still think that it should, but at least I know now where I made the mistake.
I am absolutely sure that it deleted my User Data, because the folder I had been on in my Content Directory was the User Category, which was now empty (except for two files.) So when DS 4.5 came up again, it was on that (now mostly empty) category.
I've replaced half of that user data, or I would post another screen shot.