I'm experiencing several issues

I have DAZ Studio 4.0, and I have a lot of scenes saved. This one particular scene however causes some issues.
Either the entire program simply shuts off when I try to load it. Or the scene loads, but the skins don't load properly.
I can't save that scene at times either; the "Save file" screen will pop up and I hit "save" but it wont save. Then I have to close the program without saving the file.
As far as I know, all my other scenes can be opened and saved without issues. Although I did have the issue with the skins not loading properly on one other scene, but they load properly now.
This scene I want to work on, is just a posed Genesis character with clothes and props.
I also tried rendering it once, but then the entire program shut off.
The program told me there was an error opening the file, and to check the file log. I checked the file log, but I don't understand anything of that.
I have tried reinstalling DAZ but that didn't work.
I'd really appreciate some help with this.
It sounds to me as if at least one of the items is causing the Issue. If you can get the scene to load try Removing one item at a time. You should be able to find the offending item this way. Once that item is gone it should fix your troubles.
That seemed to do it. Thank you so much! :D
I've just tried a few times now, and I have been able to render now with one particular item removed. So it works with all the others items.
Although the skins on the Genesis character doesn't load properly if I load that scene first. I have all my characters saved in two scenes, one with just the characters and then one scene where I add stuff like clothing or props. And if I load the scene with just the Genesis character first, and then the scene with the clothed Genesis character, then the skins load properly.
When you load one scene first then character Scenes the UV mapping might drop to the Default V4 UV set, just check that next time. Quick one click fix.