How to use 2 computers for DAZ & Rendering?

So not being able to work on a DAZ scene while another scene is rendering, nor having an Iray batch solution, has led me to the conclusion that I may need a second computer as a standalone rendering box. My question is this:
How do I setup the second computer/rendering box to best facilitate this kind of work flow?
I am assuming that I will need to make sure that all file path/folder structures are identical and perhaps use some kind of file synching between the computers to make it unnecessary for me to manually copy files between computers.
Any thoughts or guidance on this issue would be most appreciated. Thanks!
You can run another instance of Daz; there can be issues on occsions, but I use it often.
Just bear in mind, that opening another Daz instance will clear any textures in the temp folder - such as those created by the LIE editor.
You could copy them from there and place them elsewhere and assign the textures, to be sure they wont be cleared.
If you go the second box route, then just make sure everything you use is in the library, and point Daz to it.
Thanks Nicstt, good suggestion. Should I set the rendering instance of DAZ to use my nVidia video card only and the the instance of DAZ I'm using to edit scenes set to use CPU only? Or does it not really matter?
No need; if you try and render whilst it's already rendering, it might work, or it might cause issues. Best to avoid rendering a second time.
Got it, no second rendering. I assume a viewport set to nVidia is okay and does not impact render times on second DAZ instance, or does it?
I've done it a couple of times by accident; and while it hasn't crashed that I remember, I turned it off quickly to prevent issues. You can stop and start renders, so there is that option.
I requently have one rendering and another scene open as I work on it. It makes stuff go quicker, and having a card installed just for rendering, it doesn't impact the display at all.