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@stumpc: I get only the specular highlight when rendering with GLSL on a 32 bit system, not sure about 64 bits. I'll file a bug report if nobody has yet.
Thank you my friend, for some reason the bug reporter will not send me a confirmation to log on so I can't check or file a report.
Hopefully they can figure this out ReDave.
Fantastic things that used to covert to genesis no longer work I was able to use the boots from shoe pack 2 just fine before but now.... How lame...
If they worked before, file a bug report.
Thats a pain it takes you to another log in I forget my info
That's really bad Bob. WOW... so that was a previously converted pair or a newly convert using the newest DS?
I'm always logged in at the bug reporting area but hell, maybe that's changed now. I'm getting hardly ANY notifications right now I'm subscribed to about 20 threads. Store looks great but the forums are a mess again. DS is NOT perfect either. Lag time when starting the program is pretty bad, about 30 second wait. 4.0 was up in a matter of seconds ready to go. If conversions are worse rather than better that's not good either. I do notice that the ZBrush bridge is a total mess. If I send over Genesis, make some changes and then hit the send back button... nothing happens. Freezes up. Just starting the bridge really lags allot. Not good. So yea, while parts of DS 4.5 seems better like that lighting issue, I guess, never noticed it but other things seems broken or crippled.
Why would something that worked now fail this is crap and how often has submitting a bug report lead to nothing being done DS3A anyone? Its bad enough that a limited amount of shoes / boots convert but lets break what was working just *&^ genius
Startup time will vary depending on where you left your "Content Library" pointing to. If it is to an area with a lot of items (say, Poser Formats->Pose) then DS will stall while it reads, sorts, and displays the contents of that area. If you are at the base root then it'll be pretty much instant.
There was probably an area change on either a calculation or a glitch in the autofit clone. In either case, if the devs are told about it they can revert back to the "working" code. They can't fix what they don't know is broken.
The program never stalled at version 4.0 regardless of the directory it was pointed at before dismissing the program last. So I really don't consider this an improvement.
Just explaining the phenomenon, not making a judgment. :-)
Well I'm happy to report that Daz fixed the download issues yesterday and I managed to finally get the Genesis Essentials downloaded. I installed the beta this morning and have had a chance to play with it a bit and I'm relieved to have no problems to report so far. After all of the horror stories I was pretty worried.
I haven't tried the new autofit yet so I can't speak to that but other areas show no problems and there are some significant improvements over DS 4.0. The load time for Genesis is much much faster and I notice that things seem to be running in parallel during startup now. I had quite a few newly installed items and by the time metadata was finished importing for them Genesis was already loaded. In 4.0 it didn't seem as if the default scene even started loading until after any metadat imports were completed.
Rendering seems to be MUCH faster than 4.0 and the quality of the 2 renders I did was very good. So far no issues with duplicate ids or shaders so I've got my fingers crossed. I'm sure there are going to be at least a couple of glitches at some point but so far I'm a happy camper.
There is still one big thing that Daz needs to improve however: The first post in this thread points to installation instruction for Mac and Windows. The same thing is in the original 4.5 release thread. The Mac version is still 4.0 specific but does have some info available. The Windows instructions have STILL not been completed. There are 2 screenshots and that's it! Neither one has any information at all on the upgrade process from 4.0. Is there nobody at all working for Daz that is competent enough to take a couple of hours and do proper tutorials? It would certainly be beneficial to Daz to have fewer confused customers needing support would it not?
I submitted the report I use Reality / Lux i quickly tested a few renders with UE even though they look cleaner still looks like DS3A it never seems to change much..
Does it work now with Bryce?
After 5 tries I got working downloads (yea!) and the Mac Bryce bridge seems to work quite well.
Well, this is ... odd.
I bought Posemaster during the PA sale, installed, everything's fine with that. I defined some custom actions, as explained in the manual -- and I've done that before, so it wasn't a huge deal. Added them to the Custom Actions section. Added the icons, stuck them in the basic viewport tools section of the "Actors, Wardrobe and Props" toolbars, and everything was fine. Applied and Accepted the changes. Started and restarted and the icons were there and functioned, no problem for a few days.
Started up the program today, and the icons are gone. The Custom Actions are gone; they don't show up in the Customize section at all. It's like I never did anything.
How on earth does that even happen?
I redefined the actions, and it's clear that I did it before -- everything is pointing to the same folders -- but somehow everything just disappeared.
Anyone else having 3Delight problems with ...137 ?
The beta 137 won't render at all at setting 4 - 3Delight. It just sits there while the optimizer clock ticks. I've let it sit for as long as 30 seconds, before cancelling. Reinstalled 114, 3Delight render starts in 3 seconds, same scene.
Also, I read on the mantis site that the Starter Essentials issue of the gray icon with exclamation point had been fixed. It hasn't.
So, no improvement for me, and a loss of critical functionality is the only fruit of this beta, so far.
As is, and as someone else mentioned, I've been having so many bizarre things going on with my machine since 114, I've wiped my hard drive and reinstalled the OS.
I think it best to wait for a while, before putting Studio back on, or spending any more money on content. Several hundred dollars in a couple of months has bought me a frustrating headache. What I have, I can hardly use without some bug or other wasting hours of my creative time.
Also, content bugs... out of the box; the money goes straight from my account to Daz3D account, but I have verified defective content, and am still waiting for notification on fixes, no time frame given for resolution.... Just plain sloppy. It would be real easy to figure I've just been suckered.
The renders, when they work, are extraordinary, but the customer service seems like lip-service. Keep your wallet in your pocket for a while. That might get their attention.
More garbage a character I previously saved this program is f*&ed;
Lost in space Jupiter 2 prop I thought we were suppose to be moving forward. How is this progress when it more messed up then DS3...
after load do you try POSE "ZERO"?
Resaving the scene and then opening it solved that problem for me.
Wow, there seems to be very mixed responses to ds4.5 beta. Is it worth updating to from ds4.5pro or just wait until ds5.0 comes out? I never really understood the concept of beta software.
HAHAHA... DS 5.0 probably won't be ready till next year sometime... you know..... DAZ SOON! :P
HAHA yeah I know... I just dont know if it is wise to update to a beta or if that would be unwise. Too many mixed reactions I get all confused :-S lol
This beta was released because of specific bugs that were fixed, in particular Area Lights not working in If you aren't in a hurry for the fixes described in the change log ( ), you can wait for the official release.
Thanks Fixmypcmike!
I dare to say,, if use ds 4.5.,, recommend this beta ver,,
(the clothings which reformed for genesis by ds 4.5.114 transfer utility and auto-fit,
when apply poze to figure , most of the clothing has trouble about poligons around joint.
because the face group scattered by transfer utility or auto-fit process.
but in ds 4.5 beta, and if you make it again, poligons can follow pose correctly.)
then now I have question about ds 4.5 beta,.,.
if I try to open GL render, setting (2 or 3) quality in render setting pane,,
often ds 4.5 open caution window, then crash.:shut:
my driver is AMD but it already updated ,, but it is AMD driver problem too?
I seldom use open GL rendor setting, but
(I just want to know how to remove this problem)
DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Windows\system32\atio6axx.dll" at 0033:0000000008ACCFCB, DrvPresentBuffers()+7240171 byte(s)
I have the same problem(and also posted in this thread by me earlier) and narrowed it down the the open GL module on my NVidia drivers .dll, I have concluded there may be a bug in the way this module is being called. I believe there is a bug report on this but if you can please make one.
for some reason they won't send me a notification to allow me to report it.
I can't get Library Search to work, neither in 114 or 137. Even if I search for "genesis", I don't get a single hit. Am I doing something wrong?