Old user new again need some clarification...

I was wondering what happened to the old artzone. It has been about a year or more since i was on and I can't quite remember the website, but I know that it linked off of DAZ3D...
It was basically a giant gallery that anyone could post in. I went to find it again so I could update my work and check out the new stuff, but I can't find the link anywhere! Does anyone know if they got rid of this site or changed the link? If it is still around could you please post it for me?
Thanks ahead of time :)
its gone - maybe later or soon ;-)
Artaone was closed down quite a long time ago. There was quite a lot of talk about it on the old site.
Some Galleries will evenntually be added to this site, but ArtZone will not come back.
Thank you both for the answer. It is a little disapointing :blank: but I suppose all good things end some time or other...
you can tell I haven't been on in forever when they took my old profile pic down and erased all my old post count... LOL I'm a new member again...
We all started with a zero post count when the New forums came on line. Different software, so old post counts couldn't be carried over.