Daz Transfer Utility moves shirt

Just doing some quick testing before I really made a model. I created a geometry shell in Daz Studio and exported it into Blender (Collada .dae). Then making a few quick modification and sent it back to Daz Studio as a obj. Finally I used the Daz Transfer Utility but it links the shit away form the subject.
Is the Daz Transfer Utility a viable tool? Also I used a genesis figure like the Daz tutorial showed
Sounds like you 'baked in' center point shift...
But a couple of things first...using a geoshell as the start of a piece of clothing isn't going to give you something that can be redistributed, if that is your ultimate goal.
And second, was the export done with the base or morphed mesh? At the 0,0,0 load location? A
Any morph, translation/rotation, etc on the mesh at the time of export will cause probems when trying to use the TU.
Lots of good information here mjc1016. I was just experimenting for personal work but thanks for the tip on not being able to sell if it turns out to be a quality item. May I ask why you can not sell it if I load it into Blender and change it. Isn't that how other figures are made like the girl? they load in Victoria and change it. Note that I assuse that the girl is made from Victoria since ti requires it.
Since we are on the subject, can you load say a victoria into Blender, model/morph it into a new charicter and sell that?
Thanks for the info I am new to making characters
The difference is you bring back the sculpted/morphed figre and load it as a morph to the original figure. The file that is generated does not contain the mesh, but rather it contains the changes to position (deltas) between the original and the sculpted morph. That differnce file (morph file) is the file that can be distributed.
Whereas the clothing item created from a geoshell does contain the actual mesh data.
There is no amount of changing that is 'safe'. All the mesh geometry data, no matter what you do to it is still not original, so it is still property of Daz and subject to the license terms.