UV viewer from within DAZ Studio?

I was wondering if there was a way to view the UV's from withing DAZ Studio. I'm aware of the Wire frame view directly on the figure but wondering if there is a UV viewer built into DAZ Studio. If so where would I find that?
You see it right after you hit the 'send to Hexagon' button ;)
If I am thinking of the correct thing I believe it's under camera view.
Perspective, front, left, etc. - at the bottom of that list
ty! :)
As you select each surface, the UV Map for that area will be displayed in UV View.
Thanks so much folks. Under the Camera drop down.. UV View... View by Material... Surface tab, click a material and up pops the right UV rather than that horrible stacked mess! lol
Please tell me... Is there another utility about UV View than viewing the UV format meshes ? For example, does the polygon tool editor can view the new region that we create with ?