Daz FBX exporter

I am having a problem with the exporter in Daz going to either LW or XSI..
When I open the scene in either of them the animation for objects is quite messed up and objects are in a different place than was in Daz 4.5.
Take for example the walking up stairs scene.
In Daz it's fine so export FBX
In LW the stairs have moved...the skeletal system is walking up stairs alth in the air as steps have moved...but the body is opposite and backwards so as to walk backwards past steps and up np steps that are where skeleton starts scene. And all the skin it tore and stretched out like a spider web.
In XSI it is exactly the same
Because these are 2 different FBX IMPORTERS and getting the exact same results..I figure it is the FBX out of Daz doing it or most likely my settings going out.
I tried all the FBX years given in Daz but all the same results in both other programs.
Has anyone used the exporter and gotten good results that want to share your settings?
I *think* I've been thru every possible combination of button checks.
Did you try to load your file in Autodesk's FBX Viewer (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/item?id=10775855&siteID=123112)? The DAZ Studio exporter is pretty much always spot on, but if it doesn't load properly in the FBX Viewer, file a bug report at bugs.daz3d.com and attach your scene.
In Viewer the body stretching is not there but the stairs are moved back in the Z about 2 feet and the hair is floating above her head by a foot or so
Tested 2012, 2010, 2009, 2006 export settings in Daz.....all the same in viewer
Shown in LW11...XSI...Viewer