New to DAZ Connect -- question

So, I upgraded to 4.9 yesterday. I had tons of content. Now it is all still there in the content library. In Smart Content, it wants to 'install' it. Does this mean it is just updating metadata or something, or is the darn thing re-DLing stuff I already have on my HD? Just trying to figure it out. And if so is it going to over-write... or is it going to put the stuff in a 2nd folder and waste 2x the HD space?
If you install with Connect it will only download files which are different from the already-installed files, but it will NOT delete the old files, so you'll want to uninstall the old installs after installing with Connect. If you don't want to install with Connect just re-importing metadata shoud make them show up as already installed.
Another question... In SmartContent, I can find almost everything but shader presets. They appear only in Content Library. I've tried looking under the various categories but I don't see them. Where does one find these in Smart Content, or are they just not available there?
I see them in Smart Content under Products in the product "Default Resources for DAZ Studio" and under Files in the Shaders category. They are also available in the Surfaces pane, Presets tab, Shaders (that's where usually access them).
I have no Default Resources for DAZ Studio category under products, and no Shaders category under Files, in Smart Content. I do see them under the surfaces pane as you suggest. Though the organization of that pane leaves a lot to be desired.
Did you install "default resources " by DIM ? I think it was up-dated with ds 4.9 and change package name.
if you have installed them, the meta-data should be installed too. if it not you can manuallly import it from runtime (where DIM installed)
and if you check on Filter by conext in smart content pane (product or files)
those shader presets or resources (product) may not be shown untill you select something. (filter by context = filter by compatiblity) in ds 4.9.
Ah... Filter by context was what was killing it. With nothing selected, no shader option is present. Take that off and they appear.
Yes, it's a bit odd, that. I would expect everything to appear if nothing is selected. Still, I suppose that once you know, it's fine. I turn that context option on and off all the time—it's a useful function one way or the other depending on what you are doing.
From what I can tell it seems to be DLing the whole entire set of files, not only what is different.
Yeah I am going to have to do a LOT of cleanup as I install through connect. Sigh.