Need direction on install.

Tiptopb3dTiptopb3d Posts: 0
edited September 2012 in Daz Studio Discussion

I purchased Studio 4.5 Pro through the Daz 3D shop. It would not download on my system. (Win 7 - 64-bit). I went through the process twice, with the same results. Each purchase supplied me with a license key.

I finally went to an affiliate and downloaded the file as a zip. It installed with no trouble. The problem is that I was not given a license key for the product. The Daz 3D Studio 4.5 install guide directs me to go to the Daz3D shop where I am supposed to be able to get it, but I have no luck there.

Can someone clarify what I'm doing wrong, or tell me how to get that license key for the zip file install.

Post edited by Tiptopb3d on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,872
    edited September 2012

    What do you mean by an affiliate? And how was the download failing - incomplete, not starting? Did you try a different browser?

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Tiptopb3dTiptopb3d Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    The screen capture below is what I keep getting on Daz's downloads. It only give me the option to delete. Genessis and Darkside installs fine.
    My browser is Internet Explorer. The only one I have.
    (Sorry, your site doesn't allow screen captures.) The message that I get at the end of the download is "This program is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer'. It has a McAfee emblem at the head of the box. I give me the options of delete or actions. Actions give me the options of deleting also.

    Perhaps the term affiliate is the wrong one. This site is more of a conduit for getting software through the companies that produce them. It also informs me of updates. Anyway the link below is the site where I got my zip file with no serial number. I've gotten my Bryce and Studio 3 through them.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,872
    edited December 1969

    That is, I think, the base freeb version which lacks all the extra plugins for Pro (if not the site you are using is linking to something it shouldn't).

    Unfortuantely a lot of anti-virus applications are getting way too overzealous - if you check the history for the tool you should be able to find the download quarantined - and be able to unquarantine it. You should be able to upload a screenshot in jpg or, size permitting, png - I don't think .bmp will work, though.

  • Tiptopb3dTiptopb3d Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you. I went back and redownloaded it. I found the run anyway option, and it is running fine. Now to become familiar with the software.

    Thanks again.

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