Need direction on install.

I purchased Studio 4.5 Pro through the Daz 3D shop. It would not download on my system. (Win 7 - 64-bit). I went through the process twice, with the same results. Each purchase supplied me with a license key.
I finally went to an affiliate and downloaded the file as a zip. It installed with no trouble. The problem is that I was not given a license key for the product. The Daz 3D Studio 4.5 install guide directs me to go to the Daz3D shop where I am supposed to be able to get it, but I have no luck there.
Can someone clarify what I'm doing wrong, or tell me how to get that license key for the zip file install.
Post edited by Tiptopb3d on
What do you mean by an affiliate? And how was the download failing - incomplete, not starting? Did you try a different browser?
The screen capture below is what I keep getting on Daz's downloads. It only give me the option to delete. Genessis and Darkside installs fine.
My browser is Internet Explorer. The only one I have.
(Sorry, your site doesn't allow screen captures.) The message that I get at the end of the download is "This program is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer'. It has a McAfee emblem at the head of the box. I give me the options of delete or actions. Actions give me the options of deleting also.
Perhaps the term affiliate is the wrong one. This site is more of a conduit for getting software through the companies that produce them. It also informs me of updates. Anyway the link below is the site where I got my zip file with no serial number. I've gotten my Bryce and Studio 3 through them.
That is, I think, the base freeb version which lacks all the extra plugins for Pro (if not the site you are using is linking to something it shouldn't).
Unfortuantely a lot of anti-virus applications are getting way too overzealous - if you check the history for the tool you should be able to find the download quarantined - and be able to unquarantine it. You should be able to upload a screenshot in jpg or, size permitting, png - I don't think .bmp will work, though.
Thank you. I went back and redownloaded it. I found the run anyway option, and it is running fine. Now to become familiar with the software.
Thanks again.