Where did my hand/gesture poses go to?

With older versions of Daz Studio my hand poses and gesture poses used to be consolidated in either Posing tab>Presets>Poses>By Region>Partial Body>Hands or in Posing tab>Presets>Poses>By Function>Gestures, but now in 4.9 they are no longer located there. Unchecking 'Filter by Context' doesn't help.
Could this functionality be restored?
Are you seeing files in Smart Content, or in the Products or Categories groups in the Content Library pane? If not that would suggest a general CMS error or loss of database.
The files are in their representative Products pages, but it is just difficult to remember the various names of products for the different generations. And I can find them in Smart Content under poses, which I guess is a work around. I've been used to using the Posing tab to select poses from. Is the Posing tab no longer fully supported in Daz Studio 4.9?.
OK, I wasn't asking to suggest you switch panes but to make sure that the Content Management System was working - which it appears to be. Please post a screenshot of the Presets tab of the Posing pane.
Smart Content has 428 'gesture' poses, and Posing tab has 48 'gesture' poses, so there are 380 missing poses under the Posing pane--notably the hand only poses.
may I have you shift from Files to Products in the Smart Content, put a figure in the scene such as Genesis, open Poses in Smart Content, expand Gestures and see if you see By Region.
Here is the comparison again, but using Poses>By Region>Partial Body>Hands
Left is Smart Content with 750 poses, right is Posing tab with 90 poses (showing that 660 poses are missing when using the Posing tab).
I don't have a figure in the scene, but I don't have filter by context on either. Putting a figure in the scene and selecting it doesn't change the output (because filter by context is not checked).
Now, may I have you try Products?
OK, here are products with G3F selected. There are 3 products listed for hand poses in Smart Content, but under the Posing tab, 'hands' isn't even available as an option, because the hand poses are not showing up there. I have 'filter by context' selected.