the red, green, blue Navigating arrows disappeared!

Hi, I am a newbie here. I am using Daz 4, no unusual action taken, but all of a sudden I realized that the three little red, blue, green arrows disappeared, only left with the three little red, blue, green squares for changing the x, y, z, scales of the object. How can I bring back the 3 little helpers? It is kind of annoying that now the only way to move objects is to use the dails in the Parameters section.
Please help!
Hi chriswongbiz...
It sounds like you have the Scale Manipulator selected... On the tool bar just select one of the other tools like the Universal Manipulator (see image below)
Hope this helps... :)
HI niccpb,
I checked that, but it has always and still on Universal Manipulation Tool. That's why I don't understand why it disappeared.
Thanks for the reply though.
Help !
Ok that's odd... try this... open the Tool Settings Pane ( Windows>Panes (Tabs)>Tool Settings ) and with the Universal Manipulator selected, make sure that the boxes for Translate and Rotate are checked.
They are checked just as it showed in your picture. BUT, as I click the X, Y, and Z, the arrows showed up again! !
Thank YOU very very much, you have been very helpful. Thank you!
Your very welcome and I'm glad it's all working for you again... must have been those pesky little computer gremlins ;-P
Have fun... :)