Solved: Saving morph assets - products in My DAZ Connect Library

If you create a morph for a product that is in the Connect library and save it as a Morph Asset a folder system is created outside the "cloud" stucture (it's on a level with it, under "data"). The top level folder here has the artist's name (e.g. "Ravenhair") and under that is the product, etc., right down to the Morphs folder and its contents, including the morphs, of course.
The thing is, when you load the item again the morphs you saved there don't appear in the parameters. I've tried it with my own morphs and with the morphs created by Sickleyield's cross figure support utility (which of course work fine for products installed in Content Library, i.e. non-Connect).
I can't think of any way around this—what is the answer? Surely we must be able to save morphs for Connect installed products.
This should work, please report it as a bug.
Thanks, Richard, I will.
I actually discovered the cause myself.
If you load morphs to an item that was installed by Connect, the save as morph asset dialogue defaults to saving the morphs in My DAZ Connect Library (as described in my first post) where the product is stored. I changed this to My DAZ Library (it can be any non-Connect library) and the morphs are now loaded with the conforming item.
Ah, I'm glad you figured that out - but it still seems a bug, it should know not to use the Connect folder (and should presumably then default to the primary content diectory, though as you say it can be changed).
I posted this information on my Zendesk support thread, so hopefully it will be noted.
Thank you.