Knittingmommy's Laboratory



  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Hey congrats to you for your win! That is great news.

    And thanks a lot for the german greetings! I wish some wonderful christmas day to you as well and hopw you find some time to rest up and relax.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I'm excited.  I was just on Facebook and found out that I won @Collective3d's Facebook contest for his newest product that isn't out yet.  I'm super psyched to see how it looks in person.  The promos I saw looked really great.  I'll have to try and come up with a really good render for it.  While I'm glad I won, it didn't look like very many people signed up for the contest.  Such a shame as Collective3d always does a such a great job with his sets.  I love his baseball set that came out recently.  I'm still working on a great scene for that.  I finally got some baseball uniforms so I'll finally be able to play around with some ideas I've had for that.  I have quite a few of his sets in my library and all of them have been great to work with.

    Had no idea he was on facebook I don't think.  going to have to go track him down lol.  Congrats!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    And Merry Christmas as well! Ah the German Christmas greeting takes me straight back to childhood when we would go over the pond to visit my grandparents in Germany.  Wish I could go again.... Germany holds a lot of very special memories for me.

  • So, last test image of Strangefate's armor Kadis until after the holiday.  A little bit of postwork.  The background was made in  Bryce and I'm still not completely happy with it, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out the perfect background for this image.  I wanted something mystical, but not too far out there. Not really sure I got even close.  Sometimes, I still get frustrated over some of my rather obvious lack of skills.  :(

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    KM,  You've plenty of skills... more than you think!  The terrain looks great.  I think tho that the background grassy parts a bit to green green... I'd make them a lot darker but then I'd likely have a problem also. Is the fog a Bryce effect?  I know that Dartanbeck uses Volumetric clouds to create fog which gives a lot of control over it.

    Merry Christmas!

  • Thanks.  Sometimes I wonder about the skills that I have.  I realize I have more skills now than I had two years ago when I started this, but there are times when I wonder if I'll ever get where I think I want to be skill wise.

    Yes, the fog is a Bryce effect so that is all in my background layer.  I was kind of going for that distant fog look.  I added the background to my image and then did my usual filters on a combined layer.  Since they are on two separate I'll try doing my post on just the layer with the girl and see if that helps because the grass was a little darker in the original.  I'll play with some more post work in Gimp and then upload what I get here in a bit.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I'm poking around at the webcomic I stopped last April, and I'm amazed to see how much I've learned. (I didn't use SubD? What the heck is with this fitting? Wow.)


  • I'm poking around at the webcomic I stopped last April, and I'm amazed to see how much I've learned. (I didn't use SubD? What the heck is with this fitting? Wow.)


    Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.  I look at some of my ealier scenes or scene files and I'm like, how did I even manage to get a decent picture with this!  :)

  • So, I played around in Bryce today.  I didn't create any scenes, but I did load up some that were part of a couple of sets that I got.  Part of the first one was in my image posted earlier.  The full image is this:

    I did a little bit of postwork in Gimp 2.9 and I think it turned out well.  I'm starting to get the idea of how to do renders in Bryce.  It's a little different than running a render in DS.  I haven't had much luck with the render to disk option.  I'm not quite sure how to use that.  So, I'm rendering things that are about the size of my screen right now.  I really need to figure out how to render bigger images.  This scene file is part of the Bryce 7.1 Pro - High Resolution Terrains - Set 1 by David Brinnen and Horo.  There are a lot scene files in there that one can load up and try to pick apart to see how they did it.  I've watched a lot of David's video tutorials on YouTube and I think I'm actually starting to figure things out.  I've found that part of my learning process is picking apart premade sets and presets. I did the same thing with lighting presets in DS.  Picking apart a premade scene actually helps me figure things out.  I can load up the set and go to materials and look at settings and figure out why their materials always look so much better than mine.

    The second scene I played around with was this one from Bryce 7.1 Pro - High Resolution Terrains - Set 4 also by David Brinnen and Horo.  It's called Kyle-Sound and it's very pretty.  I love the materials they used for it.

    I want to get better at using Bryce because I would love to be able to make more landscapes.  There are just some things where having a decent landscape comes in rather handy.  :)

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Very nice.  I'd like to get to know Bryce better as well.  In addition to being fun to play with in and of itself, It can create very good 360 degree images for other programs.  I picked up some xfrog plants and trees that I hope to use in Bryce sometime soon. 

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited December 2016

    So, I thought I would post what these two landscapes looked like right out of Bryce before I took them into Gimp.  I like playing around with Gimp and seeing how I can improve an image, but my postwork experiments aren't to everyone's tastes.  So, for those who want to see what these look like straight out of the Bryce program before I got my creative hat on here they are:

    Original Bryce Images without postwork:

    1500 x 1000 - 291K
    1500 x 1125 - 567K
    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Oh, I like the last one a lot! Seems like you got a good grib on Bryce very fast.  I didn't even install it again after I migrated sytems in summer. Not that I never want to try again but I'm too occupied with other stuff.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    It's so nice to see people experimenting with Bryce.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited December 2016

    @Linwelly  I've been playing with Bryce for awhile now and I still don't feel like I know what I'm doing, although, it does seem to be getting better.  It's one of those programs that I try to figure out then take breaks from and then try to get back to it.  Each time, I seem to have learned a little more about using it.  I think I'm at the point now where I kind of know what I'm doing, but there is still lots to learn.

    @Chohole  I like Bryce, but it hasn't been easy getting to know this program.  There is still a ton of basic things that I don't know how to do.  Once I figure out those basics then I can really make use of the program and make my own landscapes look really good instead of just loading up someone else's and picking apart how they did it.  I am trying to figure out if there is a way to save a material on one set as a preset.  I haven't figured out how to do that yet.  I love the materials on these two sets and I would love to be able to save them to my library so I can use them on other land geometry.  It's possible that they materials are there, though, and I just haven't figured that part out.  I'm still exploring the products.

    I do know how to make landscapes and I'm getting the hang of it, but materials and making them look as good as others' seems to escape me at the moment.  I'll get back to it soon so there will be more landscapes in my future.  :)

    For today, I'm in Blender trying to follow a tutorial making anime style hair using Bézier Curves.  I've never done that before and it isn't going as smoothly as it seems to go in the tutorial.  Anway, I hope to actually have a hair that I did myself on Star Original Figure soon.

    1920 x 1080 - 313K
    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I need to see if I can make some good skies to suck into Daz Studio.

    I tried with Carrara but couldn't seem to get the quality I wanted.

  • Skies are not something I've really played with yet.  I usually end up using the Skies of iRadiance or Skies of Economy depending on which render engine.  Sometimes, I'll use an HDRI if I find a good one that goes with the scene I'm working on.  One of the things I want to play with Bryce when I figure it out is exporting the skies.  There is a way to kind of fake an HDRI sky in Bryce and then use if in DS.  I just haven't done it yet.  I'll see if I can track down that tutorial.  I think it was @Horo tutorial.

  • I tried Bryce for a while.  I think it's very, very powerful, but I could not quite ever wrap my head around the UI for the material editor.  

    I think if Daz were to exert some effort and build a new version (64 bit) with a revamped UI, they could give some of the other folks a run for their money.


  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited December 2016

    So, you would not believe how long it took me to get the bangs completely done on this cartoon/anime style hair that I started!  Geesh! But, I think I'm getting the hang of it and it is going a little bit quicker now.  I've had to stop and restart a couple of times, but it's starting to look a little bit like hair.  It doesn't look exactly like the hair in the tutorial as I wanted it to look a little bit different.  Break time now because I've been doing this way too long this morning.  When I get back to it, I need to start filling in the back and work on the ponytails.  I'm thinking, once I get it into DS, I'll have to start figuring out how to rig things so I can rig the ponytails.  Luckily, @Sickleyield has a nice short rigging tutorial on her YouTube channel.  I'll probably use that to try and follow along.  I also have a few other tutorials I've picked up from the DAZ store.  I just need to sit down and actually read the the things.  :)

    If you are wondering what tutorial I'm following, it's this one:

    Here is my hair so far. 

    If you notice, I'm doing this in Windows.  I should have started this in Linux, but I was in Windows messing around with Bryce and forgot myself for a moment.  Then, I forgot to copy the files over to the other drive so I just went ahead and started up Windows again.  I really need to see about getting Bryce working in Linux.  I haven't played around with that yet.


    1914 x 1082 - 318K
    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672
    edited December 2016

    I finally finished the tutorial for layers!! Here is my results I changed the background to suit me!!

    Picture Of Willow.png
    1500 x 1200 - 3M
    Post edited by Saphirewild on
  • @Saphirewild  That looks great.  The best part about tutorials is that one can change those small things to make it all your own.  Great job!  )

  • Looking good, Saphire!

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited December 2016

    Ah, I feel like it is taking me forever to do this hair!  I'm seriously curious how long it takes a vendor to model hair because I'm getting a whole new appreciation of what they go through to do that!  And, I haven't even gotten it out of the modeling program into DS yet to rig it!  Argh!  Anyway, here is an in progress update screenshot.  I remembered to put my files on the external HD so I could bring it up in Blender in Linux.  Of course, the first thing I forgot was that I didn't have the mouse buttons the same so I had to quickly change that.  I like to select things with the left mouse button and that is not the default in Blender so I had to change it because for some reason I had done that in Windows, but not in Linux.  Go figure!

    Screenshot from 2016-12-28 13-28-23.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 291K
    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • I actually managed to render something.  I was playing with this little guy while waiting for Parker to install yesterday and ended up doing a render for Llola's Monthly render thread.  So, 6 Pweeks.  Some post work in Gimp.

    Gallery Link

  • Finally finished my first render of Parker by @DarwinsMishap!  Such a great character.  :)  Rendered in Iray.  I'm not really happy with the eyes.  I so suck at doing eyes!  I don't like the ground that much either.  I had to do some serious post work with this one to fix my rendering mistakes.  I wish I could figure out how to get closeups of ground without getting all pixelated.  DOF on the camera helped, but just not enough.  I ended up copying my layer and seriously blurring out the ground and adding it back in so that it wasn't too terribly obvious.  Still so much to learn!  Hopefully, I can do better next time.  I really love the angles on Parker's face and that jawline!  Wow, seriously good work there!  :)

    Gallery Link

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    He looks good. I just downloaded him tonight, too late to do anything with him tonight though.

  • Nice work with him!  

    I, too, know what you mean by the ground textures.  I often have to hide or blur them to the point that I just don't use them if at all possible.

  • Thanks, guys!  I do like how he turned out.  Seriously good modeling there, @DarwinsMishap!  :)  Every time I get a new figure from you, I think he's my favorite then you have to go do another one and the older one just gets pushed aside for the newer one.  :)  One of these days, I'm going to do render with all of my DarwinsMishap guys. 

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited December 2016

    I got the new Toon Generation 2 by 3D Universe.  I only bought the Toon Generations Essentials for Genesis 3 by 3D Universe and the FSL Extended Family Shapes for Toon Generations 2 by Fuseling.  I'll pick up the other stuff when I can afford them.  These are just playing around renders.  I wanted to do the poses and positioning before I added in the living room set that I had in mind which is currently still rendering.  I used LineRender9000 by djigneo because you can use either Iray or 3Delight.  I thought it would be interesting to show the difference between the two looks.  I changed up the layers a bit, too.  I really like what I can do with that script.  I'm still learning all kinds of cool things and how to combine the different layers.

    I like the Iray version better, but I think that is more because I needed better 3Delight lighting.  I tried something different than my normal toon lighting for 3Delight and I don't really like how I set it up.  I might redo it with my toon lights later and see how much better it could be.

    Iray Version:

    3Delight Version:

    1500 x 2250 - 2M
    1500 x 2250 - 1M
    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited December 2016

    Here is my favorite of just playing around with the layers.  This is a combination of the Iray render with some of the LineRender9000 layers from the scripted 3Delight output.  I like that I can get really different looks.  I'm not sure how I'm going to do it for the actual render.

    1500 x 2250 - 1M
    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • So, final images with Toon Generations 2 in a full scene.  I have an Iray only version and a version combining both Iray and 3Delight with the LineRender9000 script.  I fixed the problem I had with the ladies not quite looking at the baby.  I also gave the baby something to grab his attention.  I had to smile because I was inspired to kind of do this picture with @Isidorn in mind.  I don't think I have his signature duck so this was the best I could do.  He is always teasing about how he doesn't like kids and kids are the evil so I thought I'd do a picture where the kid is going after him, sort of.  Hopefully, it will give him a chuckle.  :)  Ah, what can you expect from a single bachelor.  :)  I had fun making it.

    Iray Only:


    I still have to work on the lines.  I'm not completely happy with how the lines turned out in this one.  I need to figure out how to get more control of those.  I love this script, though.  I have lots of fun with it.

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