Cannot find .exe

I just downloaded daz studio 4.5 and I can't find the executable. I looked in the program files and tried searching for it but I have no idea where it is. I uninstalled and reinstalled but I still can't find it. Anyone have any ideas?
when you install, it makes a desktop icon.
where does the icon say it is?
When you donwloaded it, where did you point the downloader to.
Do you have UAC on? UAC won't let you re-write stuff in Program Files. Either turn it off or install away from Program Files.
Is it the installer or the installed application that is missing?
@ Medzin
A shortcut was not made. I looked for this as well so I could find the .exe file but it, too, does not exist. I meant to include that in my initial post but I forgot to.
@ Chohole
I installed it to program files. I uninstalled it and then reinstalled to my desktop. Still no .exe or shortcut.
I was able to locate and run the installer. After installation, there is a Daz folder in program files. I opened it (after not finding a shortcut) to look for the executable to run the installed application. I made sure to download the Windows installer and not the mac. Windows did not indicate that the application installed incorrectly and I had no errors.
What was the exact name of the installer you ran?