Question about CLoud 9 Atmospherics vs Cloud 9 2D Cloud Dome

Hi. Can anyone explain the difference between Dimension Theory's Cloud Nine Atmospherics vs Cloud Nine 2D Cloud Dome.
Are the atmospheric clouds volumetric?
Do they render fast enough to use in Animations?
Would they be used with cloud dome or in place of cloud dome?
My experience:
I doubt you'd want volumetric animations. Volumetric clouds take a while to render at any time I've used them.
I don't know if they could be used together, but I think probably could be. They're kind of independent solutions, though.
Take a look at to see what the 2d Domes do, and to see what cloud layers in Atmospherics do. DT has a bunch of tutorials on Youtube about how the packages work and how to use them.
BTW, I've been very happy with Atmospherics. I don't do animation often, though, and never tried any long sequences in Carrara.
Thanks - just watched the YouTube video. Now thinking it over. I have Cloud 9 Domes and find those clouds worlds better than the ones that come with Carrara, so may give this a try as well.
Also considering DimensionTheory's Ecomantics for use with animations.