XandM (Perfect Victoria) Complete Morphs and Glute Morphs & Fenric's Script/Tool

Has anyone of you tried Fenric's cool Script/Tool to get XandM Complete & Glute Morph Pack to work in Carrara?
Thanks to fenric's tool I could get it work in Carrara... without it, Victoria looked quite exploded and shredded ^^
Somehow, I seem to do something wrong... or it's still the "BootyandTight" issue? I dunno. My Victoria is perfect in Poser, though in Carrara she ends up with kinked or wrinkled bend joins...
What did I do?
I created my Perfect Victoria - then used the Tool to work over the Morph-Files
Afterwards, I created/edited the Loader cr2 file which contains:
version (for what does this stand? Version of what?)
number 14 (For what does this stand? How many morphs are going to be used?)
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Character:Carrara_Figures:V4_Test3.cr2"
readScript ":Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM PerfectV4 Complete:!The Fixes:Perfect Arms:Perfect Arms:!INJ PerfectP Arms.pz2"
readScript ":Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM PerfectV4 Complete:!The Fixes:Perfect BootyAndThighs:!INJ PerfectP BootyAndThighs.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM PerfectV4 Complete:!The Fixes:Perfect Feet:!INJ PerfectP Feet.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM PerfectV4 Complete:!The Fixes:Perfect Hands:!INJ PerfectP Hands.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM PerfectV4 Complete:!The Fixes:Perfect Legs:!INJ PerfectP Legs.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM PerfectV4 Complete:!The Fixes:Perfect Neck:!INJ PerfectP Neck.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM PerfectV4 Complete:!The Fixes:Perfect Shoulders:!INJ PerfectP Shoulders.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM PerfectV4 Complete:!The Fixes:Perfect Thumbs:!INJ PerfectP Thumbs.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM PerfectV4 Complete:!The Fixes:Perfect Toes:!Complete:!INJ PerfectP Toes.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM PerfectV4 Complete:!The Fixes:Perfect Torso:!INJ PerfectP Torso.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM Curves+:Glute Shaping Morphs:Individual Morphs:INJ GlutesDimples.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM Curves+:Glute Shaping Morphs:Individual Morphs:INJ GlutesRelax.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM Curves+:Glute Shaping Morphs:Individual Morphs:INJ UnderlineSharp.pz2"
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM Curves+:Glute Shaping Morphs:Individual Morphs:INJ UnderlineRaise.pz2"
I got this result: (marked the annoying crinkles and kinks - here you don't see it - but the shoulders kink and krinkle a bit, too )
The Left V4 has been loaded via Loader and saved as Carrara File. The Right V4 has just been loaded via Loader file.. same results.

Here's my experience with the Perfect Fixes.
I haven't gotten the new Glute morphs yet.
The only problem I have is that V4's knees aren't as perfect as I would like, but that's a small thing.
In a post in the old forums, Fenric did say that V4 with the perfect fixes will benefit with one level of smoothing. You might try that. There was also something else he suggested that seemed to solve the V4 shoulder crumpling issue many have had in the past. I'm not at my work computer at the moment so I can't dig up that little bit of information. I will be able to get back to you later this evening with that information.
I'll also take a closer look at what you've posted above to see if anything's out of place.
edit: I see that the link to the old forum post I referred to is in my original thread post. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working. I do happen to have a copy of the entire thread, so I will try to find that information for you.
I just went through your thread. I wish I had seen this earlier.
Those kinks and crinkles at the bend joins apparently only happen in "extreme" poses. I noticed that moderate poses look awesome.
As you can see, the bulge/gap between hip and thigh is not very pretty... (I don't like to work with Poser or Daz... don't like the interface!)
I got the Glute morph to work the same way... and it surprisingly works well, as long as you keep the poses moderate. Anything yoga style goes a bit awkward.
Btw. what do you mean by "smoothing". Morph-wise or any Carrara native function, like the one in the Vertex Modeller Room?
The V4 you see in my screenie, are both more or less V4 as she comes. ++ Morphs & Misty Morphs are in place, but not in use yet.(I didn't put the Misty and Daz ++Morphs into the loader file, since these work perfectly fine in Carrara)
Smoothing in the Vertex modelling room.
As I understand it, the version number just means that it is a Poser 7 compatible script. I'm not sure why yours says 14. Did you change that when you created your loader file? I do not know if the version number makes any difference to the functioning of the script.
One thing Fenric says in his instructions is that for Xameva's Perfect fixes you should use the Perfect V4.cr2 prepared in Poser (or DAZ Studio). Did you do this? I know this sounds elementary, but I remember reading Fenric's instructions the first time and thinking that it didn't matter whether I used V4 or the Poser(Studio) prepared Perfect V4. I did try to use the 'Create Perfect V4' script included with the V4 Perfect Complete set in Carrara and it didn't work.
I ask because I'm curious. While my Perfect V4 isn't perfect, the issues I have don't seem to be as pronounced as what you have circled in your first post. My knees don't look like that at all.
I had a look at your readscript paths and I noticed something that might be causing you problems. Please keep in mind I am not the most technical of people and I may not know what I'm talking about.
I am assuming that the Fixes installed to your Poser Pro 2012 runtime much the same as in my runtime folder. If so, then it looks like you left out something.
I'm refering to the first ten lines after
readScript "Poser Pro 2012:Runtime:Libraries:Character:Carrara_Figures:V4_Test3.cr2".
After !The Fixes should come the folder name Individual Fixes and then the folder name for the particular individual fix and then the fix like this:
"Runtime:Libraries:Pose:V4Morphs:XandM PerfectV4 Complete:!The Fixes:Individual Fixes:Perfect Arms:!INJ PerfectP Arms.pz2"
I also noticed on the first line you have Perfect Arms: twice. It should be only once.
You're also not consistent with your paths. The first two lines point to Runtime: while the remaining lines point to Poser Pro 2012:Runtime
Please note I am not criticizing you in any way. I struggled through this same process for close to an hour. I almost went blind checking and rechecking.
I also didn't think to add in any of the other extra morphs included in the package. I will have to go back and add them. Thanks for that idea.
That's all I can see that might be causing you problems. It's late and my brain is starting to turn to mush. I hope this helps.
Thanks, BooksByDavid. :)
Here's the old thread: http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=185755
David is correct: The version number block indicates which version of Poser the file is compatible with.
Always "Zero Figure" after loading the CR2, before doing anything else. Not just Perfect V4, but any Poser item: your life will go ever so much more smoothly?
The crumpling shoulders are due to the odd magnet system that V4 uses instead of more normal Joint-Controlled Morphs. Review "Step 3" in the instructions.
It is possible that something changed in the "Perfect Complete" set (I bought the packages one by one), and there is some other file now doing the un-hide. If that is true, then it is unfortunately tedious to find out which one (open each file in a text editor, search for "hidden 0", then try to decide if the dial is something that should have stayed hidden)
Thank you two :)
I really didn't see I was missing one folder... *rubs her eyes* and no worries. I am not easily offended. It was a blatant mistake I made and I didn't even see it. So I am happy someone did.
And a huge Thank You for the great Tool Fenric!
Do I have to add the Daz3D ++ Morphs (mostly facial and muscle) and any Character-Morph also via this loader script or can I do this afterwards in Carrara?
Thanks again for the brilliant help :)
No, you don't have to - all injections will still work just like before.
You're very welcome! And I'd also like to give a Thank You!! to Fenric. His little tool is just great!!:-)
If you are going to try the Glute Morphs from Xameva... those you will have to apply to Perfect Victoria in Poser and use this one for for the Carrara Import. Those morphs don't work, when applied in Carrara - no matter if you do it manually or via loader.
I am so happy now :) it all works so much better and I can have it all in Carrara!
Those poses looked horrible on V4, before the perfect fixes. Even in Poser.
That's what I get now in Carrara. Only thing to keep in mind is, not to over-bend... I try to keep it as natural as possible.
Outstanding! I'm glad I'm not the only one excited about being able to use the Perfect Fixes in Carrara. Looks like we're both going to Happy Town now.:-)
Hello Everybody,
I was reading this treat, because I wanted to use the XandM Complete morphs in Carrara too.
This is the file I created for use in Carrara:
My Runtime is under "D:\DAZStudio\Conten\t"
But in Carrara nothing is happening. It seems, that Carrara doesn't work with this script.
Could someone please tell me, what I'm doing wrong?
Thy for your help,
Don't use the DAZ Studio versions of the injections, use the Poser versions.
Did you run the fixup tool?
Thx for your answer.
Yes, I used the poser injection Script.
What fix up tool to you mean: Your great script? Then yes.
Still not working... :(
You should not be using the "DAZ" scripts. You showed this:
“:Runtime:Libraries:Pose:XandM Perfect V4 Complete:!The Fixes:Perfect Toes:!Complete:DAZ:!INJ PerfectD Toes.pz2
That is for DAZ Studio. You don't want this one.
Did you run the utility on ALL of the PZ2 files? It is tedious, I know, but it won't work otherwise.
When you ran the utility, you did use the "Perfect Victoria 4.2.cr2" as the source character, not the standard V4 file?
I didn't use the Poser scripts. So that was my failure. Now it works. :)
Thank you for your great help.