Limited number of lights

Does Daz Studio have a limited number of lightsources ?
When i add more than 7 lights to a scene, spot number 8 does not produce any light. When i turn off one of the other spots, or set its intensity to zero, spot number 8 instantly produces light.
If it's a limitation of the software, i'll just deal with it. Seven should be enough, but i like to micromanage my light :)
Just want to make sure it's not some setting i can override.
This is only a limitation of the preview function (which uses OpenGL) and OpenGL based renders. Software renders do not have a limited number of lights.
Oh boy, I can't believe i didn't even try that.
Just spend two hours trying to figure out what i was doing wrong, and all i had to do was press the Render-button.
Silly me...
Hey, almost everyone makes that mistake the first time. It's an easy one to fall victim to. ;)
Yeah, i guess. I've had my share of rookie mistakes the past few days, and i'm sure there's plenty more to come.:lol:
Thanks for helping me out.
I think the only way to get past the 8-light limit for your preview is to use one of the high-end pro video cards used by animation companies to make cinema-quality movies. The only drawback is the price of these things is comparable to the annual budget of a small country (or Bill Gates). Any of the cards we mere mortals can afford will have this limit, it's built in to the system.