I can't find my aniMate Pane and it isn't in the Window tab to Replace

I'm using Daz Studio 4.9 Pro.

I started working on my scene today, set it up, look to find aniMate, and it wasn't next to my timeline tab.  So I went to Window/panes, and it wasn't there either!


What should I do?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,890

    Have you purchased a full license or are you using the Lite version? How (if at all) does it show in Help>About Installed plug-ins?

  • jeffglobalmedicjeffglobalmedic Posts: 23
    edited March 2016

    I think I get it.  I had a "trial" when I downloaded Daz Studio to begin with!  Whoops.  Do I have access to any version of aniMate now unless I pay?  One of the videos said I can follow along with the "free" version, but idk where that would be...

    671 x 568 - 61K
    Post edited by jeffglobalmedic on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,890

    You should retain the Lite version once the trial period is over, and you haven't entered the serial number for DS itself into the Animate box which can cause problems. I think you may need to open a support ticket on this.

  • jeffglobalmedicjeffglobalmedic Posts: 23
    edited March 2016

    I always like the hard way.  Just for the heck of it, since I had to re-install windows last week, cause I dared to stop win7 from logging on somewhere I didn't authorize to do so and found wtf it was and it was from windows live, and I don't use any of that so I uninstalled windows live...and then Microsoft decided my laptop should be a brick.  I disagreed, so I reinstalled win7 and now disable the wifi deeper in the device settings...and have a script to give a one finger salute to whomever that place is...

    I'll reinstall this...thank you for responding so quickly...

    [Edit] Uh oh, that didn't work...and I think I got everything in the registry, documents, program(x86).  Very strange.  Submitted feedback to tech support, which I hope is a ticket here.


    Post edited by jeffglobalmedic on
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