DAZ Studio Suggestions

I've been skimming the New User forum and saw a thread about someone not finding their newly installed content. DAZ Studio couldn't find the content because it doesn't map the same default location that DIM uses to install its content! Wouldn't it make more sense to be sure both DAZ Studio and DIM have the same default install locations?! I'd hope DAZ Connect would use the same logic also!
I have many other questions and suggestions. I'll keep them in this thread.
Post edited by Ron Knights on
Hi Ron,
this kind of things usually happen when you tell DIM to store the content elsewhere than what is set in DS, or, when DIM installs to the default location, but DS has the setting where the User expects things to install.
ideally, the content management system would be a combined setting, used by both DIM and DS. Unfortunately, it is not...
So I think, your suggestion is a good one. DAZ Connect installs in the directory defined in DAZ Studio, so the problem doesn't happen there.
Both DIM and DS use the same default locations - the issue occurs only with very old installations of DS (possibly reinstallation after a hiatus) where the DIM path was not added (as there was as yet no DIM) and customisations of the install paths. Rob has put synchronisation scripts in the Wiki, and it has been a while since DIM was updated so perhaps we wills ee changes to support Connect (I think Rob or one of the other devs or QA people did mention this) and to allow more direct synching.
Thanks for responding. I am trying to work in two different schools of thought. I've created my own Runtimes for over a decade. I'm also trying to adapt to DIM for now, and consider DAZ Connect later. Beyond that, I'm working on a concept for "Newbie Tutorials" that I'd upload to YouTube. Then I'd offer links in the New Users forum.
Is there a way I can easily get both DAZ Studio and DIM to go back to their default install locations?!
I'm still very concerned that DAZ content is so hard to find. I've spent a week or so organizing 15 years worth of content. I've found things that were hidden for years! In my experience, it's better to organize at the beginning than it is to try creating "new maps" (Metadata) to point the way.
The defaults for both DS (post-DIM) and DIM are
the "My DAZ 3D Library" folder in the Shared or Public Documents folder (this is the one DIM uses for installation by default)
the "DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library" folder in the user's own Documents folder (this is the one DS uses for saving by default).
Although those of us who have been around for a while may be happy with manual isntalls and organisation it isn't a helpful approach to take with new users - it risks breaking things entirely, and will certainly interfere with soem features. Personally I have taken to leaving the files where they fall in a content diectory that is essentially just for installed stuff and then use shortcuts to organise in my own content directories separately.
Now I'm totally confused. Richard, it appears you just said that DIM and DS have different default install locations?! If that's true, then I suggest making a change so both programs have the same default install location!
Next question: is there a tutorial about working with shortcuts?! I can rearrange my content easily using Apple's "finder" app. Drag & Drop. Is there any similar easy functionality for DAZ Studio?!
No, installed content (via DIM) goes to the one location, locally created content to another. That's a good thing as it keeps user content separate from third-party content and it also means that DIM doesn't have to worry about other sources of files in the My DAZ 3D Library folder when uninstalling and deciding if a file is finished with. (Fourth generation morph expansions do throw a spanner in the works, however, as those must go in the same folder as the base figure so that means non-DIM content in the My DAZ 3D Library folder per force). I forgott o add the folder for DAZ Connect, which by default is also in the Documents folder - DAZ 3D/Studio/My DAZ Connect Library I think; I don't like having installed content default to using the user's own documents folder, but of course it's easy enough to set the location (or the other locations) to something else as desired.
OK, thanks for your patience and the explanation. Makes sense to me now. I'm going back to the drawing board to setup my stuff to work according to the defaults. I'll get used to DIM, and later I'll investigate more about DAZ Connect.
Just adding, to save Rob's making a report to thwap me, that the obvious reason for moving the Connect folder to the user's Documents folder is that any encrypted files from Connect will be encrfrypted to the user account.