V4 M4 Object Resolution Reduction on Export?

I have been working on some projects in Sketch Up that I will eventually bring into DS4. When working on these projects it would be very helpful to be able to import an obj file of a preposed figure for scaling and design purposes. I can export V4/M4 as an obj file and bring it into SU, but the figure is a real memory hog and it slows everything down (it also takes about 40 minutes to import a single figure). Is there any way to simply reduce the resolution of the figure when I export it. There are several workarounds, but I am hoping for something simple.
Thanks in advance!
Both V4 and M4 have LOD OBJ files, which are 17k, 8k, 4k and 1k respectively. Mine are in \Studio\My Library\Runtime\Geometries\DAZPeople\blMilWom_v4b_LOD.