Save a character

I have morphed and clothed the Genesis child and I was wondering is there a way to save it the way it is now in a folder or something? Then I can just click on that character to put it in the scene.
I don't want to have to go through the whole process of morphing and putting on the clothes each time I want to put the character in a different scene.
You need to select the character and save as a 'Character Preset'. I'm not sure though if that saves the clothing as not as I usually save a clothed character as part of a scene. I do know it won't save attached genitalia if you are modifying textures so for a new texture set you will want to save a character preset for both the character and the genitalia. And for good measure you probably want to save material presents for both the character and genitalia.
If you are just creating and applying morphs to a character and not changing textures you needn't worry about the genitalia and just save the character preset to save the morphs as you've applied them.
I'm pretty sure that saving a character preset will also save all the clothing as worn and morphed by the character but I just haven't tried that yet. After I make some clothing I will know for myself.
Save as a subset, you can decide what you want to save by selecting the checkbox.
Then you can just merge that subset whenever you require it and it will maintain what is already loaded.
Yeah, that sounds better if you won't be editing later.
If you need to change it; saving as a subset allows you to select the items to be included in the save.