Can't get the new content to show up

I installed Daz Studio Pro 4.5. I have looked in the Genesis folders and I have noticed files with a *.duf extension. I'm thinking it's the new format. *However* it is not showing up in the Daz Content Library. It will only show the empty folders and older Genesis *.dsf files. Why is this happening? How can I get the other files to show up?
Thank you!
Where are you looking? If you look in Content Library > DAZ Studio Formats > People > Genesis, do you see Genesis.duf? What path did you install the Genesis Starter Essentials?
It is installed in the default path. Nothing was changed ---> C:\Users\\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\People\Genesis. I see the *.duf in those folders, but when I look in the Content library folders it shows up blank even though I could clearly see it in the folders without a problem.
That might be the Full path, but it is not the install path.
It's the default path that the program suggests you install it to, nothing was changed.
Can you go to Edit>Preferences>Content Library>Content Directory Manager, expand both the "DS Formats" and "Poser Formats" sections, and post a screenshot?
C:/Users/"User Name"/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library
That is the Full path for ALL DS installers for DS4.5Pro. If the installer ever says anything else you will have content problems.
I'm a DAZ 3D Community Volunteer and I do my best to help users that are having trouble. I really wish to Help. Just like Fixmypcmike.
Here's my screenshot:
C:/Users/"User Name"/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library
That is the Full path for ALL DS installers for DS4.5Pro. If the installer ever says anything else you will have content problems.
I'm a DAZ 3D Community Volunteer and I do my best to help users that are having trouble. I really wish to Help. Just like Fixmypcmike.
No problem. I was just stating that I didn't change anything that the program suggested. I saw the screenshot and it did end with "My Library" so I see what you mean.
The Second DAZ Studio Formats path Not needed. The first one is all you need.
As for the Poser Format section it all depends on your OS as to if those will cause problems I think. Fixmypcmike is better at that so I'll fade for now. The first one is fine I know that much.
EDITed to add last line.
The nested content folders may be confusing things -- remove the second entry from DAZ Studio Formats, just leave the one that ends at My Library. Then you should find Genesis in Content Library > DAZ Studio Formats > My Library > People > Genesis
Okay, I deleted the second one and am having it recheck for content and maybe hopefully it will find the new Genesis content.
It still didn't help. I can't find anything in those folders. I do see the gorilla.dsf and any of the older genesis content in dsf format.
But if you go up that tree to just People>Genesis, is the .duf file showing?
OPPS... I'll shut up. Your in good hands.
No I don't. I don't see it inside of the program. I'm only able to see it if I look at it inside of Windows Explorer.
Location of Genesis.duf looks ok to me.
If a person was running DS4.0.3.47, they would be exhibiting the same .duf content issues as you. Can you eliminate the obvious and do a Help>About Daz Studio and make sure you're running DS4.5? Should be showing
Oh my... That's what the problem was. I thought it uninstalled the old version, so when I went to run the program like I usually do, I was under the incorrect assumption that it would run the new version. But clearly it did not, it ran the old version instead.
It only uninstalled the old content, go figure.
Every time I've upgraded DS4, the installer always detected an existing install and required that you confirm the uninstall of the pervious install, before proceeding with upgrade install. I'm pretty sure when I installed DS4.5 it uninstalled it DS4.0. Anyhoo.. glad you're problem is sorted out..!
Edited for clarity....
Normally it does for me too, but I'm not sure what happened there. Oh well, at least the problem's fixed. Thanks :)