Puppeteer multiple objects controlled all in one

I did a cursory check of the archives and didn't see an answer. So pardon me if it has been explained before. Is there a way of controlling more than one object at once within puppeteer?
Extreme Example I have a genisis figure inside a Deep Sea Diver Suit. I turned off most visability of Genisis using just the head parented to the neck of the suit and am animating the suit as the person inside it. The suit has a seperate pair of gloves and boots parented to the suit. All follows with the suit where ever and however the suit is moved, even in Puppeteer BUT,,,, lets say I want to create poses in which the figure moves to a position where the arms move up, the hands of the gloves (close) or open (moving the fingers) while closing his eyes and opening his mouth and pointing the toes of the boots. According to what I know about Puppeteer I have to move the eyes and mouth, position of the head on one layer. Move the arms and body of the suit on an other layer. Move the fingers and hand on another layer. The boots, pointing the toes of the boots on a different layer,,, etc.
Then to record it as an animation, I would have to record sepeate passes for each layer hoping to get them in sync or together to make the final complete motion of one figure reaching up grasping the hands, opening his eyes, looking at the object, and opening his mouth, while getting on his tippy toes. BUT if I could some how get all the layers to work together, I could set up several motions where all these things can pe posed together then record it in one pass to the timeline. Making it so much easier. Does anyone know if it is possible to controll all these seperate object which are really together with in Puppeteer on one layer, so I can puppet everything at the same time. Puppeteer which I think is a fabulous tool to make animations, would be so much better if this were possible.
by the way I am currently still using DS 4.6.