Problem with GoZ after installing the new DS 4.9 Beta

wargiswargis Posts: 142
edited March 2016 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hello! I have a problem with GoZ after parallel installation of the new beta of Daz Studio 4.9 (Version x64 Public Build). Previously I used DAZ Studio 4.6 and its GoZ for export into Zbrush to make morphs. I used it with Zbrush 4 R6 and R7 and GoZ worked nice, I could export Genesis and re-import it back to the open DS 4.6 as usually. But after installation of DS 4.9 and its GoZ I found that my GoZ from DS 4.6 works wrong - it can export a figure to ZBrush but cannot re-import it back - instead of updating morphs in the open Studio it opens a new copy and creates a new OBJ instead of Genesis. I tried to setup the path within Zbrush correctly, it doesn't help. I deleted GoZ for DS 4.9 (all the same I don't use it here) and reinstalled GoZ for DS 4.6 and examined all path again. But GoZ refuses to work as before. In Program Files I have 2 folders - one for my main DAZ Studio 4.6, the second is for Public Build. The path in ZBrush leads to the right DAZ Studio 4.6, the same in the prefs of GoZ in the Pixoligic folder. How to fix this problem without deleting the new beta?

Post edited by wargis on


  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Any solution to this, same problem.....

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,713

    You can only have one GoZ installed.  Did you uninstall from the version you don't want it in?

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    Re-install DS...

    In the very first GoZ that we worked on for DS we had this same problem...


  • Try copy 'DazStudio.exe' and paste it in the same directory then rename the copy to 'Studio.exe'.

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited April 2016

    You can only have one GoZ installed.  Did you uninstall from the version you don't want it in?

    -> This means:  Zbrush can only be linked to one version of a software with GoZ.

    My personal solution:

    Because I prefer using public Beta versions because I do not want to wait for official releases I only install Beta versions.

    Never ever again install a general release. It does save you a lot of time uninstalling, reinstalling DS and GoZ just to make it work again after any new update.


    Side Note: In addtion general and public release do not automatically share install paths of your content libraries, custom user interface layouts etc. So you would have to update those as well whenever you switch from one version to the other.


    In the past the latest version of a DAZ Studio Beta release had the same version number as the general release.

    -> This means you can keep working with the Beta version and there is no need to install a general release.

    I hope DAZ3D keeps this practice of always releasing a beta version that has the same build as the general release.


    Post edited by linvanchene on
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