Possible to bend Two figures Together as, eg., Abdomens and Chests?

I'm wondering if this is possible: Say I have two figures locked in a wrestling hold. I've got arms, fingers, legs, etc., where I want them. Then I think that if the chests and abdomins were bent forward and to the side (for one figure) and backward and to the side (for the other figure), the hold would look better. Problem is, I don't want to loose the positioning of the arms, hands, fingers, etc.
So, is it possible to select the abdomins and chests of both figures and bend or rotate them together, letting the collars, shoulders, forearms, hands, fingers, necks and heads all move along? (It would save me a lot of time if this were possible.)
lots of scripts for you here
You can go into edit mode and CTRL-select parts and pin them via the IK menu...
That does look interesting, but I'm on a Macintosh. Do these scripts work in the Macintosh version of DS? Does anyone know?
takezo_3001 wrote:
"You can go into edit mode and CTRL-select parts and pin them via the IK menu..."
OK, thank you. I'm going to try that.
Scripts are not generally platform-dependent (those that get directly into file internals may be an exception).
No prob, I just wish there was a setting to enable edit mode by default!...It's what makes DAZ Studio the best and it's what I primarily use!<---Gahhh, I sound like an advert... ;^P
OK, I've been looking over these scripts. Any suggestions as to which one or two would work with setting the chests and abdomins so that they would work together? Or, actually, in opposition. If I bent one figure forward, I would want the other figure to bend backward. But both figures would be bending in the same direction, so that they would stay locked in the hold.
OK, I tried this, but could not get it to work. I may be doing something wrong. If there are steps involved, I couldn't figure out what they are.