Push Up Animation

Hi all,
I'm a newbie. Plz help me this case.
I want to do this animation: https://youtu.be/5eSM88TFzAs
I researched very much but I couldn't find out how to do that.
The hands always move between 2 actions up and down eventhough I pinned it by ActivePose Tool and Universal Tool, I also used the LockPartBody Script but it didn't work too.
Beside that, when I pin the hands and put the body up or down, it will mess and doesn't get the pose as I want.
Plz show me how I can do the push-up animation as demo.
Thank you so much!

572 x 543 - 73K
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Moved to Daz Studio Discussion as it is about DS, not Poser.
I would suggest getting the arms into the starting position using the regular posing tools, then use the Universal Tool ot Active Pose to carry out the up-down movement. Having the starting position right should ensure there is enough play in the relevant joints.
Here is a link to a possible pushup file on sharecg:
It does work in DazStudio. :)
Thanks all for your reply.
I tried http://www.sharecg.com/v/53379/gallery/21/daz-studio/10-times-pushup-animated-pose but the hand also move a little bit :(
i would like to see it in motion
can you upload a video ?
tried it myself
yes the hands are trembling
create a pose preset on frame 0
one at frame 9
zero the pose of your V4/M4
look for casuals autolimb2015/keeporient at freebe section
pose with your saved presets at 0 and where you want it to end the second one
use autolimb on feet and hand
use keeporient for correction
no trembling at all
i just tried it
good luck
MCasual has a lot of scripts for animators. Maybe you can find something suitable there?
Pin me down perhaps? https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts/pinmedown-for-ds2-3
Here is his site https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts/
I don't do animation so I cannot help you.
Hi, as long the inverse kinematcis are not fixed in dazstudio, this job is very difficult to do without wasting time. You still keep moving hand or feet movements you don't want and spend lot's of wasted time to tweak it.
You can try to import the daz rig into "akeytsu", i've seen good working combination between dazstudio > 3dxchange > akeytsu
akeytsu is some very good indie animationtool in beta.
hi fixme
how much money for this ?
It is $79 for indie beta (make less than $200K per year) but you can get the Beta for free until it expires.
and 3dexchange ?
Thanks all for your help!
I'll try all and show you how it works :)
Hi Ruphuss,
I find out autolimb2015, but what is keeporient?
I just learn this software several weeks so can you show me more detail?
Thank you so much!
mcjKeepOrient: https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts/mcjkeeporient
Thank you hphoenix!
I'll try it :)
Hi all,
I want to do the pose for push up movement and I can't make the down pose of push up movement.
It always mess. If I make it seperately - it's ok. But when I make it from up to down - it's terrible as attach file.
Plz help me!
Hi hphoenix,
I don't understand the example of mcjKeepOrient. How I can do as example? I tried but didn't succeed :(
Thank you a lot! I did it.
It works well by using mcjKeepOrient and mcjAutoLimb2015.
Thank you again!
Merged threads - and please don't post Daz Studio questions in Poser Discussion.