How to create a custom character tutorial


I'd like to create a custom morph that appears under Shaping / Actor / People.

The morph is a combination of spinning differnt dials, ex, height, weight, face shape, etc....

So basicly once I spin my dials and create a charector I like, i'd like to save it as a custom morph.

There's a tutorial that i've seen and used, I just can't remeber anything aboput the process except that i have to do an erc freeze.




  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    Try looking at Daz's YouTube channel and see if anything there will help.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited March 2016

    it seems up-loaded two years before,   but most of his tutoriall are good enough to understand.all step.

    (I heared he work for DAZ,, but not find his channnel in DAZ you tube page^^; so I feel,, if DAZ make link for his channle,, in this forum,, and DAZ official you tube channel,with good category name,,

    many quesiton seems to be solved,, by just show his you tube page,, I feel.

    (anyway thank mjuch josh daring,, everytime,, I see his tutoriall,, I think so)



    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • nickalamannickalaman Posts: 196

    it seems up-loaded two years before,   but most of his tutoriall are good enough to understand.all step.

    (I heared he work for DAZ,, but not find his channnel in DAZ you tube page^^; so I feel,, if DAZ make link for his channle,, in this forum,, and DAZ official you tube channel,with good category name,,

    many quesiton seems to be solved,, by just show his you tube page,, I feel.

    (anyway thank mjuch josh daring,, everytime,, I see his tutoriall,, I think so)



    Thank you!!!

    Exactly what I was looking for



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