canine face shape for genesis2 and 3!

anyone have or know of a good canine shape for genesis2 or 3? i make tons of furriesand my main model is a wolf.
but i dont want a scary werewolf or lykin, im kind of new to genesis and the creature creature dosent seem to have a dog face or
head morph, any help would be great thanks guys !
dunno if can be ported over to G2M using GenerationX, not tried
but he is more of a freindlyanimal type wolf than a werewolf almost a german shepherd dog
is a full body morph so shoes do not fit well but I have dressed him
RawArt man wolf is actually "cute" for me^^;
I now find some dog and anubis moprh for genesis1. maybe this product,,
then if you get generation X add on, you can transfer them to genesis2male,, though I do not know,, each JCM work well when you pose and add expression for the transfered figure.
(nowdays I seldom transfer figures different generation, but, usually I need tweaking much about transfered fgiure when posing,,(or expression) I remember,,)
Then,, there seems no morph, which change genesis2male as dog or woulf in creature crerator bundle,,,,I surprised ^^;)
then the wolf can expression By G2M expression morphs, without many problem?
,,, close eye, or open mouse etc,,
well thats cool but the but how would i make her? she is my main model. im thinking i can maybe get the wolfman to work
Hounddog by Oskarsson? It is for genesis but could be converted to G2M/G2F with genesis generation X2 + Gen2 add-on
well got the genx pluggin and been working on the model for the change_zpsrtkcfhik.jpg