Posing fingers

Hi all, total newbie question here.
When posing the fingers on a genesis figure, i just can't seem to get the fingers next to each other. There's always a gap between them. I have the "Handy for genesis" hand poses and as far as i can see none of these has the fingers lying next to each other.
I must be overlooking something but i haven't got a clue what.
It isn't possible to place the fingers touching side-to-side, there's always a gap. Using the carpal bones can help a bit, as can bending everything towards the index figure rather than trying to get them to meet at the middle finger.
Carpal bones seem to do the trick. I was using the power pose tool, it doesn't show the carpal bones, but i found them in the scene tab.
Thank you, Richard.
That helped me out with a pose too, so another thank you, Richard. :-D
Glad that helped.