Changing morph types

I have some G2F "squish" morphs that DS thinks are shaping morphs, so when I save a pose, they don't get treated as pose controls. That may be a valid point of view, but I want DS to treat them like pose controls anyway. I moved them all into the pose control group, and I set their type to modifier>pose, like all the rest of the pose controls, but they're still not saving as if they were pose controls. Assuming I can get DS to do what I want it to do, what else do I have to do here?
it should work,, if you change type as pose,, you must find the property when you try to save as pose,,(though you need to select root node,,to find the pose controller (because it is morph assgined with root node) in pose tab,,
But to save and use the pose preset,, you must need to save the morph file which you change type,,. because,, your tweaking about morph is temp,, not saved as data. then when you apply the pose preset,, for new figure,, there is no pose controller,, which you modified any more.
And it is not recommended to overwrite product morph, (when it up-dated , all your modify has gone away too)...
Then,, I may prefer,, change morph name,, (and labell,, to easy find it)
then change type as pose,,,, then save it as new morph..
eg,, original = shape morph1 to My_porse controller 1.. after that save it as different morph assets,.
now you have two same morph, one is tyepd as shape (product original) ,, and one is pose with diffrent name..(you copied) .
after that you can use new pose controller, and save it as pose preset,, safety.. (keep original file without modify,,and not see duplicate ID erroer)