Use JCMs partially?

Hi, another issue arises, I hate to be a newbie .
I have a long coat, but would be the same for a long open dress, or anything like that. I want to bend the legs forward to the top without rising the coat on the way, cause it should remain on its place, just a bit more open to let the leg stand out. This is my workflow, I make a JCM, I use the morph, it works... so no problems so far, until I begin to lower it, pfffff, what a mess!, it tries all the way down to take its original broken look like it was on the 135 top before the fix until it reaches the 0 again and the same for 0 to 135 travel.
So, the question is, could I do several JCMs to be used partially?? lets say, at 20, 40, 80, 100, and the last at 135 to get a perfectly smooth travel from 0 to 135 and vice versa??
Yes, you can use keyed type (animation) ERC to link node's rotation and each JCM values. by Property Hielarchy pane.
use rottation X value as "Controller",, then set some JCMs as "sub-components,,"
Set "Attributes type" as "keyed" , imput each JCMs value (usually frin 0 to 1 ),
Set "Save with" (which files discribe the ERC fomula in file, JCM.dsf or the Dress.dsf(Nodes X rotation)
and Set each JCMs value with the Rotation value (keys)
then tweak animation type (key type), TCB, Constant, Linea,, as you needs.
in my pic,, I set three morphs (assgined root node), for X rotation of Handle bone.
you see each subcomponents keys value change with X rotation keys value (-180 to 180)
then,, actually,, you can bake animation as ERC keyed,, from daz timeline , when you set ERC freeze for the node rotation.
but to set frame range and only set each JCM values for the node rotation keys,, and set ERC correctly,, somehow difficult to discribe all.
(eg,, if you set frame range 0 to 100,, frame 0 should be min limit value of Rotation X ,, and frame 100 should be max limit value of Rotation X.
it depend on,, the Rotation property min, and max value. I recommend play with simple morphs and new controller, on time line,
and ERC freeze,, with Keyed type, to clear understand how it work)
Yes, you can set it up in the timeline - set the bend and the morph value you want in a series of key pairs, then check the bake from timeline option in ERC Freeze. However, in this case you may be better off simply not rigging the coat to the legs but controlling it by separate bones and/or morphs: the main draw back of that is that it is not automatic as you pose the wearer.
Wow!, thank you so much!, it sounds kinda difficult, and more having in mind that I've never "played" with animation before on any program, and that I just started with these JCMs and ERCs thingies a week ago :P.
But at least I know that is possible!!!, i will have it move from start to finish perfectly thanks to you. I just need to learn how to do it. Sadly I will have to wait until afternoon to start cause I gotta leave soon :(.
Of course, you need not use controll bone. I just show way to set ERC as OP hope.. then use prodcut, and set ERC from product moprh.
I think,, the OP can understand easy.
to make new bone and new JCMs for guide another user to show the pic simply take more time.,
Then actually set ERC is easy,, after you play with tyem,, but to offer perfect JCM set for all rotation, and limits is really difficult work I think.
but good challenge.
Oh, the not rigging it to the coat could work to, I should just make morphs for back movement, and another for the lateral ones. Still I will try the challenge
I want my products to be as good as I can, if its too much for me, I'll use the not rigging trick.
Lets see if I can make it properly. Thanks again!.