Particle Illusion vs Trapcode particular

I have been waiting for Wondertouches Particle Illusion for Adobe After effects to be come CS6 compliant! They just recently got it to work with Mountain Lion but now its stuck in CS5.
While waiting and doing some research some have said if you got 300-400 buck for PI you should get red Giants trap codes PARTICULAR!
After reading a ton of stuff the division is right at 50/50 pro and con with a lot of folks suing both and telling that one is better for this and the other s better for that..
I have watched many SAMPLE projects and the trapcode one are so much more clean and pure looking than the PI one,, BUT everyone says PI is much easier to master and has literally 10s of thousands of preset emitters....
I would be more interested in CLOUDS, SMOKE fire and explosions and have to admit the TRAPCODE SMOKE is intoxicating
Well I cant afford BOTH so am wanting to know if any of you have worked with either and what you suggest
I used PI when it was a stand-alone program... It's ok, but I was never really in love with its awkward PC interface... Never tried it once it went to AE, but I'd have to guess it was a huge improvement...
Never tried the Trapcode plugin, but I like their other offerings... Aren't their trial periods for both?