Bug in shell from old figures

Creating a shell from an old figure (as V3) results in a shell not aligned with the figure itself (the head of shell is under the hip of the figure)
P.S.: Excuse my bad English, I'm Italian
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Creating a shell from an old figure (as V3) results in a shell not aligned with the figure itself (the head of shell is under the hip of the figure)
P.S.: Excuse my bad English, I'm Italian
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I am not sure what you are trying to do here? What do you mean by a 'shell' ?
So far I've only been able to get a Geometry Shell to work right with Genesis, even my TriAx Aiko3 doesn't work with them, the shell always ends up below the feet.
Sorry, showing my ignorance again, but it is a thing I hve never used, and I have no idea what to do with it anyway. I did try with Stephanie 4, and it simply displayed the shell for V4, since I suppose that is the basis of S4. It was at the feet of the original, but it can be moved up easily enough. Does that cause a problem, and what the dickens is it used for anyway?
The only real function I've found for it is as a SkinSuit for Genesis, I posted the attached pic in another thread on this subject the other week, the second skin swimsuit has been applied to the shell with a transmap, while Genesis has had two different V4 textures applied to it.
Yes, it looks like it can be used to send to Hexagon for example to be used as a dummy for people who don't have much RAM?
I just saved Genesis out as an OBJ, 11 MB, and the Geometry shell for Genesis comes in at 23 MB, wierd!
Yes the Geometery Shell is showing me the same result when using an older generation figure. Need to look and see if a bug report has been made.
OT: Jimmy I would use the new Instancing function to make dummy people to reduce on ram. If you take a look and my render thead, my last image used a Shell which I offset by 0.01 and used that for the dress to colide with as I was Colliding Genesis with the chair.
Thanks Pete, I think I understand :)
I will need to look more into it.
I had a play before my computer woes with the Instancing too. Haven't had any chance to really play and have some fun.