New to clothing....

MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
edited September 2012 in New Users

Still very much a newbie to Daz but getting on slowly and surely with my very first project Lady Godiva, ideally from beginning to end, but now faced with what I assume must be somewhat of a novel clothing issue on both V4 and Genesis ?? Like to remove them then cover everything with hair as I'm stuck with V4 in a red bikini that I haven't the faintest idea how to remove....!

Post edited by Marcuse on


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    You need to give your figure a new skin. There are lots of free ones around, or you could buy a character pack. I am not sure if DS has a pose for V4 without the bikin, although I know Poser does.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I am not sure what comes with V4 these days, but i thought the Sample_res texture came with it for free, it does not have the Bikini painted on. You will find it in Poser Formats > My Library > Pose > MATerials Sample-Res. Make sure that V4 is selected in the Scene tab, and then double click on the icon. The one you want has NG (no genitals) in the filename.

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited September 2012

    Thanks both. Looking at the Bryce landscape at the bottom do they do mediaeval townscapes to simulate Coventry ?

    Post edited by Marcuse on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Not specifically I don't think, but with good picture references shouldn't be too hard to simulate. THere are some good medieval buildings in the DAZ 3D store

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited September 2012

    Just what I'm looking for thanks. I'm beginning to see how expensive this could all get too so looks like all future projects will have to be Middle Ages as well !

    Post edited by Marcuse on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2012

    Yes, it can be a very expensive hobby. I would hate to ever add up how much I have spent over the years.

    However, as I have been using Bryce since it first came out for the PC I do tend to "build" my onw scenery in it. This is a village I made, all built in Bryce, using various more invloved tecniques than simple landscaping. I then add figures to suit

    If you are interested, this was my reference for the village

    1387 x 760 - 224K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited September 2012

    Really interesting well done. Is this all Bryce ?

    Besides pencil drawing I do a lot of fiction writing when I get time, and I've been wondering lately whether it would be better to insert/ weave pics like yours above into suitable places in the text rather than long laborious drawings ? Could text be flowed around Daz/Bryce pics instead ?

    Edit sorry just read it was all in Bryce - very interesting and atmospheric !

    Post edited by Marcuse on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Not sure about that, although you can render in bryce, and then create a render mask to only include pasrts of the image.

    For me, once I have created the snee, I then add 3d figures to it, to make a complete image, but then I am image driven more than word driven. THe words often inspre an image, but haven't doen anu illstrative writing sine my Grandkids got too old for fairytales.

    ANother variant on the village

    1024 x 768 - 499K
  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Impressive ! How long did it take ?

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I am not sure what comes with V4 these days, but i thought the Sample_res texture came with it for free, it does not have the Bikini painted on. You will find it in Poser Formats > My Library > Pose > MATerials Sample-Res. Make sure that V4 is selected in the Scene tab, and then double click on the icon. The one you want has NG (no genitals) in the filename.

    I found the NG ok but couldn't tell from the pic or afterwards if it was V4 or Genesis. Does it matter ?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Marcuse said:
    Impressive ! How long did it take ?

    You really wouldn't want to know. Brycers get used to things taking their time. That is actually several different renders layered using the layer mask, as my PC is not very powerful. Whne my new PC is delivered, and all set up I will try another render using the village and see how long it will take
  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited September 2012

    What beautiful images Chohole. The winter one would make a lovely Christmas card.

    Post edited by Wilmap on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2012

    Thanks, now to get the thread back on to the real topic, Marcuse did you manage to find a way of getting rid of that wretched purple bikini ?

    If you are using genesis with the V4 uv map, then it doesn't matter if you use a V4 skin.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Thanks, now to get the thread back on to the real topic, Marcuse did you manage to find a way of getting rid of that wretched purple bikini ?

    If you are using genesis with the V4 uv map, then it doesn't matter if you use a V4 skin.

    Lol no still stuck with it however I need to use just V4 because some of the long hair packages are quite old, however I'd forgotten the skins idea and found some interesting free stuff but haven't had a chance to understand them yet. As long as the skin colour is the same as the NG one that'd be fine.

    What's a V4 uv map sounds interesting....

  • deeahr2169deeahr2169 Posts: 459
    edited December 1969

    I may be wrong but i dont think anyone mentioned it and i am a little worried about offering advice from my position of extreme dimness, but here goes. You may find that you can use a background that possibly would create the effect you want. In Daz go to edit and then backdrop. You then get a window like the one in the attachment click on browse and you can open any image on your machine and use it as a backdrop. There are lots of free stock images on Deviant art that are available for personal use. The link for DA is here

    542 x 313 - 48K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2012

    a UV map is the template that you use to make your own new textures for items.

    With Genesis, as it is one figure that can be a multitude of figures, you can use different UV maps with it, so if you want a female one, you use the V4 uv map setting, and if you want a male one youe use the M4 UV map. Normally UV maps are specific to the figure which you are using, so V4 will always need a texture made on the UV map for V4, Genesis is more flexible.

    If you want to try spome different skins for your V4, there are a few free ones listed here.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited September 2012

    Thanks Chohole great !

    I decided last night to remove the last few odd mistakes and lost files etc. by a complete re-install of 4.5 including all the products I've bought into the Daz recommended Content files. Only problem is there's nothing showing in the Content Library now even though they're all safely in place in Windows Explorer folders and the Content Directory Manager....????

    Mystery a minute lately....:red:

    Post edited by Marcuse on
  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Can you show a screenshot of where these files are installed exactly? If you use windows explorer, and go to the folder in documents where you have them installed. I take it that you have put them in the My Library folder, and NOT a folder called 'content'.?

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


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  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It does look as though there's 2 Runtime folders which might be the problem ....?

    698 x 903 - 62K
  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited September 2012

    There is a load of stuff in the second 'runtime' that should not be there. Runtime is a Poser content folder, and there should be no DAZ Studio content in there at all.

    Normally I would suggest merging the two runtime folders, but there is more to it than that. It looks like you have from 'Aniblocks' down to 'ReadMe's' in the Geometries folder? They are all DS content and should be directly in the My Library folder.

    It really is a mess. The install path MUST end with 'My Library' for all content, Poser or DAZ Studio. NEVER allow the installer to install to My Library\Runtime, or any other subfolder of My Library. Make sure that the installer has a path that ends with My Library, and everything will install into the correct place.

    Post edited by JimmyC_2009 on
  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    There is a load of stuff in the second 'runtime' that should not be there. Runtime is a Poser content folder, and there should be no DAZ Studio content in there at all.

    Normally I would suggest merging the two runtime folders, but there is more to it than that. It looks like you have from 'Aniblocks' down to 'ReadMe's' in the Geometries folder? They are all DS content and should be directly in the My Library folder.

    It really is a mess. The install path MUST end with 'My Library' for all content, Poser or DAZ Studio. NEVER allow the installer to install to My Library\Runtime, or any other subfolder of My Library. Make sure that the installer has a path that ends with My Library, and everything will install into the correct place.

    Oh wow !! As Daz 4.5 Pro is all free and being a complete Newbie to 3D anyway I automatically assumed that everything will all have been pre-planned by Daz to go into the right folders to avoid this very situation occuring. As I was never aware or read anything about this when starting rather than leaving it all for the installer to decide which I did, oughtn't it all to be updated asap to end with "My Library" in any case to avoid this happening to future Newbies who've no idea or previous experience of 3D as well ?

    Meanwhile thank you, get on with it asap !

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I believe that there are over 11,000 items in the DAZ Store, and it would be a monumental task to redo them all. Anyway, there is provision for noting where the install path is, and it should always install to the correct one (if you used the correct one the first time :).)

    Just keep an eye on where the installer wants to put things, you can change the path. It is always a good practice to look anyway, although I must say I often used to just clcik away myself.

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited September 2012

    I believe that there are over 11,000 items in the DAZ Store, and it would be a monumental task to redo them all. Anyway, there is provision for noting where the install path is, and it should always install to the correct one (if you used the correct one the first time :).)

    Just keep an eye on where the installer wants to put things, you can change the path. It is always a good practice to look anyway, although I must say I often used to just clcik away myself.

    Must admit I missed the provision for noting where the install path bit was amongst all the other start up distractions, what/ where exactly is the provision as naturally I'm a wee bit curious ? Nevertheless I think the core problem if/ when you do miss this provision is always going to be how is one to know/ use "the correct one the first time" as I must be on my tenth or eleventh by now ! :roll:

    Post edited by Marcuse on
  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I have a file in C:\Users\JimmyC\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D, called dzInstall.ini which holds the correct path. I am not sure if this file is still used by DS4P, but it looks like it. It is dated 5th Sept so looks like it is still used.

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