Carrara Academy for Light of Heaven



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087
    edited February 2013

    ok, he has Skies of Terra and heart of the matter
    I have rendered a backdrop here using them

    he loads the preload and delete all but the ground and the HDMtree
    leaving the stuff below in the scene tree
    then puts my image in backdrop, not background

    he the consolidates duplicate shaders leaving only 3

    and oops, I just see my final image did not upload with text showing to choose each of those shaders and go to lighting shadowcatch in the texture room!
    I will upload it later, not on computer now.

    bottom pic

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  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087
    edited December 1969

    it is simpler just to use an infinite plane with a backdrop
    here is my scene, you can use it as is or add the tree and ground as explained above
    I have locked the camera so the preload fits but if you do not use it
    unlock the camera and position as wished

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087
    edited February 2013

    now to rotate the camera you need a 360 background
    you can use an image or a HDRI
    you have skies of terra by Dimension theory
    add it in the background, not the backdrop tab

    you now use spot render to get a good camera position where your figure is on the ground
    lock the camera to ball joint
    you can now only rotate the camera but things will stay where they should in the scene casting shadows

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  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    This hair says it hs 2 cxolor settings.

    Where do I find them? Or is it just referring to the crapload of hair groups?

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Just a heads up. Jacob, is it okay with you if I resurrect this thread?

    I still owe Wendy 2 assignments from it (displacement? and hairy ball). I'm getting ready to get back to creating/learning.

  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    Wew are necromancers and the bringers of life. Resurrect freely! :D

    I hope Andy comes back troo.

  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    Hey, anyone been paying the school bills??::?: :P :D

    I'm wondering if there's another way to raw paths besies moving handles?

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Don't you remember? I received a lifetime free scholarship.

    Sorry, I have no idea what the answer is to your quetion.

  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    No I don't! I have long-term memory loss -- it takes a long time to forget! :P

    HMM, I should look at the pth options again. I just thought it'd be cool i, like, draw the path in, like, Illustrator an, like, import it.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Moved at request of OP.

  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the move.

  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    So, now I'm trying to figure out how to "draw" a spiral going up using a particle emitter. I know how to keyframe the emitter from the lowest to highest points. The problem is, how do i get it to go around and around all the way up?

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    So, now I'm trying to figure out how to "draw" a spiral going up using a particle emitter. I know how to keyframe the emitter from the lowest to highest points. The problem is, how do i get it to go around and around all the way up?

    So you want to move the wireframe representation of the emitter in an upward spiral? Or do you just want the particles to spiral upwards?

    If it's the first option, the easiest way would be to probably offset the emitter's hot point. Turn on your caps lock key and then reposition the hot point. Turn off the caps lock key when you're done. Next, select the emitter and click the Modifier's tab. Using the pulldown menu, scroll down to Behaviors--> Spin. The tab should now display the spin parameters. You can set the rotations per second, etc. A negative number will reverse the spin. The rotations per second can also be keyframed so you can start slow and go fast or vice versa. The emitter will rotate around the hot point. To raise the emitter, go to the end of the timeline and translate the emitter upwards.

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  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited July 2013

    Here's an animation of the method I described in my previous post. The only difference is that as the emitter rises the emitter centers back on the hot point causing the ever tightening upward spiral.

    Edit: Sorry for the image quality. I'll post a better one in a bit.

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  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Here's the better render. Same set-up as my previous posts.

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  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    Yes, thanksj. How do I kep the prticles ":linked" together as it goes up? Mine just go everywhere.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Yes, thanksj. How do I kep the prticles ":linked" together as it goes up? Mine just go everywhere.

    There's a lot that can cause that. There are numerous elements to the emitter that work together. Try loading the Smoke particle emitter from your Objects Browser. It's under Basic Particles. Depending on the version of Carrara you use, it could be broken. I have a fixed version on ShareCG:

    It will appear tiny in a medium scale scene, but you can fix that as well. For now, open it in a small scene to simplify things.

    When you select the emitter and then go to its editor, you will notice a whole bunch of options under Emission, such as particles per sec, size, mass, velocity, etc.

    To keep your particles from flying all over the place, I'd look first at the dispersion angle. Try narrowing it.

    The next thing I'd look at is the velocity. Try lowering it if they shoot out of the emitter really fast.

    The next thing to do is click on the Advanced Tab. Here you can set the friction, gravity, etc. A negative number will act as gravity. If the particles are emitted and drop like a stone, you may need to lower the gravity. If they're supposed to rise as the smoke does, then a positive number is what you need to enter. The higher the number, the faster the particles will rise. The mass of your particles will also effect how they rise and fall. You can adjust that in the Basic Tab.

    I've used the smoke emitter for contrails on jets, by parenting it to plane models. I've used it for effects in rockets by parenting it to space ships. Just adjust the particle size, velocity, quantity, and dispersion angle to suit. To get a nice glow, put a color in the glow channel.

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  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    I did it!

    No render yet though.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Cool! Particles are great for still shots as well.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    edited December 1969

    I'm new to particles, but have been finding that I can get some pretty decent control using "Directional Forces" (advanced tab) instead of gravity. Then just go to the file menu above in Carrara and: Insert > Directional Force, and lower or raise the amount of force to slow or speed up the particles after the initial velocity. Like I said, still new with it - but sometimes I don't want them going down at all - so, rather than messing with gravity values - I use a directional force arrow that I can see. Just another fun thing to consider. Thanks for the particles help, evilproducer!

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    I'm new to particles, but have been finding that I can get some pretty decent control using "Directional Forces" (advanced tab) instead of gravity. Then just go to the file menu above in Carrara and: Insert > Directional Force, and lower or raise the amount of force to slow or speed up the particles after the initial velocity. Like I said, still new with it - but sometimes I don't want them going down at all - so, rather than messing with gravity values - I use a directional force arrow that I can see. Just another fun thing to consider. Thanks for the particles help, evilproducer!

    The smoke I think is set to a positive value of 2ft. per second so it slowly rises. You are spot on for using directional force if you want smoke to go in a particular direction and speed as if the wind were blowing it. Even keyframing the force's value to look like gusts of wind is possible.

    DT has done some cool stuff using the other forces as well.

  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    Here's a test GIF.

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  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    edited December 1969

    Kick Ass! :)

  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    Thanks! I'll probably be usin something other than metaballs. Bulbs, maybe. But I've got some other things to figure out. to suck up the trails...

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    edited December 1969

    Just for some extra kicks, Try this:
    Cripeman teaches us how to make steam using bulb lights in a particles emitter!
    And if you like that one, here's a link to a comprehensive list of his tutorials - I still have some cataloging to do, but they're all there, I think:
    Cripeman's Carrara Video Tutorials Index
    Carrara Community's very own Super Hero takes plenty of time from his busy life to
    explore many exciting features of this amazing 3d content manipulation, modeling and animation suite

  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    I'll bookmark that!

    Speaking of bulbs, I couldn't igure out how to suck up the trails in my gi, so I started messing with a bulb. It's pretty much a bulb with a Point At modifier and CrossStream efect enabled that grows bigger and brightewr for 3 seconds.

    At render time, however, I notice it keeps strobing on and off randomly. I don't want it to do that, but I don't know why it does that or how to fix it.

    Any ideas?

  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    Okay, never mind my other questions. UI igured them out myself.

    But does anyone know how to get a ripple effect with particles? kinda like what you'd seewhen a droplet of water or a pebble falls onto the still surface o a pool o water.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Okay, never mind my other questions. UI igured them out myself.

    But does anyone know how to get a ripple effect with particles? kinda like what you'd seewhen a droplet of water or a pebble falls onto the still surface o a pool o water.

    The meta ball particles are not a true fluid simulation, so no ripples generated by the particles. You could try using the ripple deformer on the puddle object.

  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    I wasn't reallty thinking fluid. More like fireworks exploding one ater the other from the same point.. Or likuew whatever's takiung pliace at, like, 0:20 in this vid:

    Sorry, my sight isn't the best. lol

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    edited December 1969

    I know that many Carrara users and faithful CG FX artists scorn me when I say this, but I've often thought that, whith the power of Carrara's texture room being able to really manipulate appearances, Nerd3d's Slash Tool and/or other fun effects products from Nerd3d might be just what the doctor ordered. I am going to be working on a new method of fluids for Carrara VERY soon. It's one of the next things on my list. No... it won't be 'true' fluid physics simulation. But rather, a great way of simulating moving fluids in your renders. I've been studying for this for quite some time.

    Anyways, I haven't messed with them for some time now... but Nerd3d's effects tools for Poser are really well made products - hence my recommending trying them. I have The Waterfall Tool and the Thunder River and Tropical Cove sets that go with it and the effects of the waterfall tool are really cool! Plus the river in Thunder River contains special morphs - then you go to Nerd3d's website (as noted in the ReadMe, I believe) to pick up the pose files to make the river flow during animation shots, and also placement/scaling poses for the waterfall tool - makes it line up perfectly in all of the locations within thunder river that were made to use it. Really well thought out - and again, with the power of Carrara's Texture room... ;)

    Also have the Rain Tool which contains buckets of falling rain drop with a master control object for animating them and setting up their behaviors and shapes, etc., and then another tool that makes the splashes on the ground. To round out the effect, he gives you more isolated drops and splashes that you can add to individual surfaces - when a whole broadcast effect wouldn't be the way to go. Again, master controls... really cool!

    Embarrassingly enough, I don't have any more of his 'effects' products - an overlooked problem that I think I shall soon rectify when Rosie gives me another allowance! :) Because the splash tool, spray tool, footprints tool, and others are certainly items that I've been wanting to add to my arsenal!

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