Draw setting pane for Nvidia Iray draw style

I know the purpose,, but actually I can not get each setting meaning clear still.
I hope to find best setting,, to easy check lighting or mat with Iray draw style.
But,, I can not find any clear documents,,about Draw setting in daz documents.
Is there doc or you tube tutoriall, which teach me each setting meaning clear?
(So if daz employ only one perseon to write and up-date manuall ,,and he need to use holiday,, or he just do it as voulunteea,, it is daz fault.
or DAZ have no intention to improve it ?)
Are you asking about the difference between Photoreal and Interactive? (There is also Realtime, which DS does not have)
thank prixat ,
of course,, I hope to get more document about the interactive mode (and realtime mode,, not in DS) too,,
but about this complain,, not mention and claim it.
I hope to see,, almost same effect,, about mat, and light,, untill final render,, then seldom use intreactive mode, at current..
I just want to know,, to speed up,, in 3d view rendering,, with tweaking draw setting pane,,
I want to know clear each parameter meaning of draw style setting tab with iray draw style.
about other draw style,, I could understand,, but about Nvidia iray draw sttyle,, I can not,, what these parameter actually means. (some I can guess,,)
then hope,, there should be discribe,, (not just show the parameter name,, but how it work. I can not believe,, even though user can test and learn them,
the Aprication have no discribe about the parameter, which they offered for renderer.. DAZ just announced, ,, daz offer new Nvidia draw style for 3d view..
and Draw style setting pane,, for adjust them . but there is no discribe,, about each parameter,, ,,, why ?
I still learning about intreacitve mode,,with Nvidia documents,, but Of course I appreciate,, if DAZ offer doucment about Itnerective mode setting (iof daz customized) too.
but this complain and claim is more simple,, just each setting meaning of Draw style pane, with nvidia photo real mode. in 3d view.