copy surface settings??

is there a simple way to copy all the surface settings of an item and paste them to another item??
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is there a simple way to copy all the surface settings of an item and paste them to another item??
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Just highlight the top line, all will be selected, select the other object same way and paste
However, the receiving object must have the same shader nodes.
You cannot paste from, say, HSS shader to standard
well.. it's not a complete object... for example... say you had a shirt with contrasting cuffs... i want to copy the sleeve settings to the cuff....
HSS shader->standard??? you 'bout lost me on that one....
You said at first, "All the surfaces"...
It is just ordinary copy and paste.
Again assuming they have similar nodes.
The example I give of HSS is Human Surface Shader. It has extra nodes for Velvet, Subsurface Scattering, Specular2, and so on.
The number and type of nodes has to match or the copy will not complete. Simple paste does not create nodes
i think i got it now...
thanks for the pic and all! :)
I always prefer to use keyboard shortcuts because I absolutely hate having to go into the menu list repeatedly especially when working with multiple objects.
That said;
Q: Please can someone tell me what is the keyboard short cut for copy/paste surface?
((PS: In Bryce I think it's Ctrl+Alt C and/then V whereas this function does not work in DS4))
Afaik there isn't one, you can copy/paste parameter settings with Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V just not surfaces.
You can, of course, assign a new shortcut in Window>Workspace>Customise (Edit>Customise in older versions of DS), by finding the command in the left-hand column, right-clicking on it and choosing the change short cut option. Of course there aren't many free shortcuts to choose from now.
Thanks guys!
I'll look in customize and see what I can whip up.