D|S 4.5 Pro Genesis Ghosting after Fitting Clothes

Any of y'all having issues with Genesis 4.5 Turning into a ghost after fitting an Item? Its not opacity because you cant see the insides like the mouth and eyes as if setting an opacity on the skin.. this is Full Ghosting. and its Random :down:

600 x 600 - 164K
Found out it is not the fitting of the clothes that is doing this but the smoothing modifier that is causing this. when I remove smoothing modifier it returns to normal
Did you hit render before the smoothing progress bar had finished? I have had weird artefacts (usually concentric coloured circles overlaying the image) a few times, and others have reported other rendering oddities, which may have followed hitting ctrl-r too soon after adjusting the pose or otherwise triggering smoothing. However, I can't get it to happen on demand.
Do you have Motion Blur checked?
Hey Richard it always after it has completely finished (no more process bar)
and yes Totte I have motion blur on but does that not only effect when I have an animation?
SO I tested it .. turning off motion blur removed the issue... so its a combination of motion blur checked and smoothing modifier
No, it's according to the bug I've reported a problem with Motion Blur and certain clothing items, very strange bug.