Modifying auto-follow and making jcm issue

I'm working on something to start being a PA. I've finished the modelling and texturing and started to prepare them on Daz Studio but, FBM corrections seem to work after about 10-14 tries. The FBM get new poke throughs on parts I didnt even touch when fixing the initial ones and as said, sometimes it take as much as 14 times to get one working, just to found them messed up again after reload.. and JCMs seems to work at first try as I make them but always, always, after reloading they're not only working, the joint issue sometimes is far worse than before.
I've followed both tutorials, I think that I do nothing wrong as the JCMs, or FBM, work when I just do them. My workflow is: I load and auto-follow it with the transfer tool, it looks perfect on G3F, I try FBM, or PBMs, and look at joints to make JCMs, then using the GOZ, I fix them, and use GOZ again, morph loader pro appears, chechk the correct thingies (for FBM/PBM or JCMs) they work ( (eventhough for the FBM/PBM I see them correctly on ZBrush, and they go to Daz like they want..., so its a thing of try and error until I get it well), even the JCMs work on the fixed FBMs, but eventhough I save the document, and the garment, no matter how many times I try, or how (using export instead of GOZ, different scales...) I do it, they go just bad.
Any help would be welcome, thanks.
Did you re-save the corrected morph as a morph asset to replace the auto-generated one?
Hmmm, as a morph asset, no. Replaced deltas on FBM/PBM, and created a new one on JCMs, they are there after reloading, but wrong. For instance, going on hidden, I see all four JCMs on one garment, and when saving it as an asset I see the FBM and PBM names as it gets saved.
About the re-saving them as a morph asset, can try but tutorials don't say a thing about that, but the thruth is that don't work for me that way. How should I save them to replace the original??
Damn, I've tried saving it, and seemed to work on one hand, but the other is broken again. Gotta leave for a while, will test it more when I return.
Doesnt work, I saved them, eventhough they appear there like autosaved, but allways broken after reloading Daz, I have totally no ide what's going on.
I'm not clear on what you are doing - creating morphs to follow an existing morph, or creating morphs to fit isues with posing?
Both things, creating JCMs to fix issues with possing, and fixing auto-follow on morphs.
For AutoFollow morphs, you do need to remember that they are generated at need, they aren't saved with the scene or as assets.
So the point for saving a FBM for lets say, fitness size or Victoria 7 is just a helper to generate that morph?? If so, just remain the JCM issue as I could not do anything else for the FBM/PBM. Thanks for the help.
No, if you create a custom morph that will be saved - with the scene if you don't save it as an asset.
Ah, ok. Let's see if the boys at pasupport can find what's wrong with the jcms.
Are the JCMs connecting J(oint)s or M(orph)s to morphs? Again, if morphs are they real asset morphs not dynamic generated morphs?
The JCMs are for the hand bend, up and down. Now I'm having a real anoying issue. I've redone the shirt that was giving me a headache, I've made it so I can avoid hand rotation issues, so for now, until I come to that issue again, can try anything else, thanks for the help on that matter anyway.