V4 gown on Genesis

How can I fit the Maiden Gown for V4 onto a Genesis figure WITH the V4 morph?
I can get it ON the Genesis figure (auto fit never appears) and fix it with the Dynamic Cloth window and the Drape function, and it Looks great, but is not attached to the genesis figure. Can I parent the gown to the genesis figure?
Also, with the gown on the genesis figure, but with lots of pokethru, I can select the gown and try to use the parameter window to "Fit to" Genesis figure, but the top of the gown becomes very distorted and the drape function cannot fix it. How can I call up the autofit feature?
Also, I cannot seem to select the gown with the mouse - I must choose it from the scean teree. Is there a way ot selcting this gown with the mouse?
What am I missing?
Thanx again
You cannot Autofit DAZ Dynamic clothing. You load the dress in the same way as you would to load it onto V4, but I believe for Genesis you would need to select the root node to get it to work. It is a compromise really, as it is not made for V4.
There was a thread somwehere explaining how to work with Genesis with Dynamic clothing made for other figures. I will see if I can find something.
Thanx, I didn't know AutoFit is not used with dynamics, but it makes sense. What do you mean by "select the root node"?
Like I said, I DID get the gown on the Geneis figure, but I don't know how to get it parented or fitted to the figure so it moves with Genesis.
Thanx for the help, I will try to find the thread you mentioned above.
You cannot 'parent' or 'fit to' Genesis. Once you have run the drape from the DCC control, that is it. If you repose the model, you have to redrape it again. Once you are finished, you can freeze the drape and save.
You can run an animated drape, and select frames from it, or usse the whole as an animation. I don't do animations so I may be wrong.
Ah, thanx, this might be why I was having such difficulty. ;-)
That explains some of the problems I got, these items were loaded on Genesis and draping them distorted them total (or they went down onto the ground).
If you look here http://www.optitex-dynamiccloth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=66&p=513&hilit=genesis&sid=d79f87cf15cb7637c382251397e851b9#p513
There is a method for using DC with Genesis by SimonWM that should help.
I've played around with Dynamic clothing a little bit. To get the cleanest fit on a your desired pose I always use "animated drape".
Basically in a nut shell, you first get a clean fit on the figure in the classic T pose using the drape function. I use the translation controls (x,y,z) to place the clothing over the model as close to the figure as possible with no arm poke-thru. Then drape it.
Once you get a good fit in the T pose, use the Animated draping control and go to the last frame and set your target pose. Go back to the first frame and run the animated drape. As the figure moves to the target pose in small increments, the clothes follows the animation too. You can stop it if you want before it comes to the final frame.
I found a Daz Dynamic Clothing Animation Tutorial on Youtube that is very helpful.
For some Items I find it helps to scale the items UP some. They go back to default size during drape, this will some times fix those items that just will not stay on a figure properly.
Tip number two: Always animate Drape with Genesis. I always get a much better result that way. Opps got beat with that one.