Hiding Multiple Objects At Once (Parented?)

I cannot at all figure out how to hide multiple objects at once. All I know how to do is click the eye next to the listed object on the scene tab. But a lot of my scenes are complicated, and I like to parent a lot of things. Is there a way to simply hide the parent and have all the child objects hide with it? >.>
It's very time consuming otherwise.
Create group nodes and parent objects to that. Then simply hide the group node, and all objects below this node, including their child objects will hidden with simply one click.
But note that this has also a downside: you cannot unhide single objects below when the group node is hidden.
Sorry, how do you create a group node?
OH I figured it out!! Thank you so much!! :D
You're welcome!
Maybe there are also other ways, but I don't know.
mcasual made a script
I use the Group method as well (plus I find that putting everything in Groups helps keep my scenes organized.) But I do hope that one day Daz Studio will allow to hide child objects much quicker. There's always just a "few things" the developers can add to streamline workflows.