Do Categorized items automatically update when content is moved?

I tried Categories for the first time the other day. I created a category and added some content. Then I noticed that a lot of my newer content was in need of sorting, as it often is, so I sorted it into the proper folders. When I returned to my category, I noticed that the moved items had no pictures, and a yellow exclamation point symbol over them. Seems I had broken the references. This was understandable, but frustrating, since I don't really have the time or desire to keep up with the added bookkeeping needed to keep Categorized references up to date. I didn't see a "fix it" button, so I decided that Categories weren't going to do what I wanted them to do.

Then a day or two later I opened up the Category I'd made, and lo and behold, all the content had images, and no warning symbols. Seems that Categories do automatically update, and I'd just needed to restart DS, or give the service time to fix the problem, whatever.

My question is, is the second assumption correct? Is there a FAQ available to give me some tips on using Categories? I do know one tip is to be careful when updating, because they can be destroyed in the process.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Are you sorting by moving files/folders on disk outside of DS?

  • JQPJQP Posts: 512
    Yes and no. I'm sorting by moving the Content Library folders around on disk, but not outside of DS. Nothing that would break the file references for normal (Content Library) use, if that's what you're asking.
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    I haven't done that myself, but as far as I know that should keep the category references working.

  • JQPJQP Posts: 512
    Ah, now I see what you were asking: yes, I sort content in Windows Explorer. I don't know how to move Content Library folders around inside DS. Anyhoo, thanks for the answer Mike.
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    If you're moving them using WIndows Explorer then the category links will probably get broken, although I've seen cases where I expected the links to be broken but DS managred to locate them.

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