Daz 4.5 content frustration

I installed 4.5 and it totally fubared the content. I have tried uninstalling, reinstalling several times. I know there is a separate content installer and I have that. I have run the installer for Daz Studio 4.5, followed by the installer for the Genesis Essentials 1.3. It keeps saying it needs a file with .dsf extension but that doesn't exist. It only has .duf files.
I'm growing massively frustrated with this whole program and would really appreciate any help I can get.
I should add that I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.8.
Post edited by Darthkev1974 on
What says it needs the .dsf file, the installer or the default scene when you launch DS4.5? What path did you install the Genesis Starter Essentials to?
Before I saw the reply I managed to completely uninstall everything once again (had to go to all kinds of places like preferences, Application support, etc and delete EVERYTHING that I could see had to do with Daz Studio) and was able to resinstall 4.0.3 and get it working, which is where I think I will leave it for now.
To answer your question though, it was the scene. It showed the figure, but in the files area on the left where it has Files and Products, it showed little yellow triangles and exclamation points for pretty much everything. if you clicked on Genesis, for example, it wouldn't load and it would say that it was not able to find the dsf file.
Also, I had told it to install the content in the default directory /(my user name)/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library.
Thank you for your time though.
Looks like a settings problem. What default scene is set to load?
I run DS 4.5 on OS X 10.6.8, 10.7.4 & 10.8.1 and it works well on 10.6 & 10.7 and 10.8
/ Totte