Problem getting Duke hair on Kids4 model

Sorry to post so many questions but as I am a newbie (a very frustrated one at that) please forgive me asking these questions which may be obvious to the advanced modeller.
I have a Kids4 model just as I would like it and am trying to apply the Duke Hair to it.
The problem is that whenever I fit Duke Hair to the model it all scales wrong and it is rotated about its axis so that it is back to front.
Could anyone explain this phenomenom and can it be rectified?
AND are there any other similar short hair styles apart from Joey Ducky hair which work with Kids4.
Post edited by tdrd on
What version of DS are you using, and are you using Duke Hair bought separately, or the Duke Hair that comes with DS4?
I am using DS4.5Pro and the duke hair which came with it.
It seems no hair will fit except the one I bought (JoeyDucky) but all the boys can't have the same style it would look silly.
Are there any more boys hair styles available?
The Duke Hair which comes with Genesis is made for Genesis. If you're using Kids 4 (as opposed to the Basic Child Shape for Genesis), you'd need to buy the Duke Hair for the Gen 4 figures.
With some tweaking, you can get most prop hair to fit any figure.
In picture below, I use Kavaro Hair from Neftis on both M4 and K4.
To the right is the adjustments I made for prelim fit. You can use other morph dials to fine tune
I see you ask specific about the Duke hair. There are two versions, one for Generation 4 figures (V4, M4, K4, etc) and another for Genesis.
The one for Gen 4 has a dial-in adjustment called "Fit_K4 Male". To make fit for Genesis takes some care. So I do as follows;
1. Add Duke hair to scene. Do not use "Auto-Fit" or the "Fit to" option. If window should pop up for some reason, just cancel.
2. Right click on hair in scene tab to get "change parent" dialog, then parent hair to head of K4.
3. Bring hair into approximate position with XYZ translate dials.
4. Scale down for approximate fit, and readjust XYZ trans as needed.
5. For this example, I use overall Scale 89.8% with X scale of 95.9%, then Y Translate of -62.12 and Z Translate of 14.16
Don't forget to parent the hair once it is manually fitted! Just in case you change the pose later.
Thank you for the feedback - I got duke hair to work with someone elses suggestion that you had to load the duke hair seperate from the one which came packaged with daz.
However I have noted the above and I DO really like the hair you have used KAVARO hair so I will be sourcing this one out.