Installing content issues

This discussion was created from comments split from: Runtime DNA Merges With Daz 3D.
Exactly my feelings, as Daz vendors migrated from doing Poser and DazStudio capable content to DazStudio only my purchasing migrated more and more to RDNA and the other big two Poser content sites, seing RDNA annexed by the DazStudio site (and the Daz installer which forces you to install stuff to where it wants) means the former RDNA vendors will no longer be making products usable in Poser. :(
Split so that the installation conversation doesn't derail or get lost in the original thread
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Daz is not necessarily Daz Studio - there are still items for V4 being released (mainly things like hair that fit multiple figures) and daz has been clear that if people submit good Poser content it will be accepted as long as there is customer demand. The Daz products, other than a few Connect-only items, do not force you to use DIM - you can download the Zip from your Product Library and install manually if you choose.
That's EXACTLY what I do, unfortunately DazStudio can't find or use the files I install that way OR through DIM, I buy something from the Daz site, install in through the Daz downloader, and the Daz Studio software doesn't have it available? I'd just like it to be like it was "I buy, I download, I inatall, it works" as opposed to currently "I buy, download, I unpack, I repack to be ready to install, I install, it works in Poser, but it can't be found by DazStudio." >_<
This would be better in another therad, but just to check - the folder you are installing to (My DAZ 3d Library in the Public Documents folder by default) is set as a Poser and as a DAZ Studio content directory in DS?
I see nothing in Daz Studio that says "content directory" so I can't answer that question. I have a lot of things that say "content library." And that's one of the root issues with the "new Daz" nothing is set up logically, nothing is set up to be easily found, effort has been put in to making the software as difficult as possible to be used, to be synced with, to be installed. Why? Why make it as difficult as possible for the customer to use purchases?
If you install not in the default directories, you need to make the directories known as both, DAZ and Poser content, in the Content Directory Manager:
Menu option: Edit> Preferences (or presss F2 key), Content Library Tab, Content Directory Manager button
Add the directory to both, DAZ Format and Poser Format. The content will then show up in the Content Directories. V4/M4 stuff and such often only show up in the Poser Format part of the directories.
If you install with DIM, then click on the "Installed" tab, locate your product, click on the arrow at the end of the line and select "Show Installed Files". This will show you exactly where every file is located and should help you locate them in the Content Library. They may not be where you expect/want, but at least it shows you where they went.
I use DIM and install stuff where I like. Connect - /shudder, is a different topic and can be avoided if one is so inclined. Even using DIM I have 23 runtimes, including a main Daz one.
And Daz is a business; they will be happy to make money selling Poser items.
That does sound as if you have the folders named "Content" from the zips dropped into your content directory - at least for native content items should be in \People\Figure name\ and then a folder for the type of content - Clothing, Hair, Characters etc. with material expansions in a sub-folder of the item they apply to - so that should be making them relatively easy to find. Poser-format content won't work at all that way, the Runtime folder has to be in the content directory not in a sub-folder.
So, update, I have now got DazStudio 4.9 able to find the Daz product purchase history but not the products, even though they're installed DazStudio only shows the product image greyed out, not the installed product. There's literally 66 gb of data in DS format downloaded to the default content library by the Daz installer that Daz Studio installed to it's defaults can't find even though the libary in the preferences is the same.
Are the items showeing up in Content Library > Daz Studio Formats and Content Library > Poser Formats?
1st time you install 4.9 your DAZ Format and Poser Format directories need to be checked to see if they are were you want them and the new DAZ Content directoriy will changed to where you want it and then install your (new) content products.
You are looking at the 'Products' in the listing in the Content Library it sounds like. You use the DAZ Content Manager to install via those grey icons and as they download & install you'll notice they turn color. I've woundup installing some products twice.
Please don't despair. I have lots of manually installed content running just fine in 4.9, and my library survived even moving drives, though that was a bit of a hassle as lots of database entries had incorrect linking. I'm very confident that you will have your content up and running in no time (well, of course, between time zones and stuff, it will probably take a bit).
I am asking, because from what I understood, you are looking at the smart content, is that correct?
If you are using the Content Library and go to any of the items there, and if that is greyes, too, could you please just click on the "info" for the item? In that information, it will also show the installation path DS is looking for in regard to this item.
Is this the same path that you installed the item to?
Also, it would be great if you could show us a screenshot of the Content Directory Manager entries. It's possible to select a folder "too deep" or "too high". I had that happening to me in the beginning with manually installed content. Here's what my manager entries look like: