Questions and Answers About How to Use Certain Products in DAZ Studio

OK, I'm starting this thread because there are certain products I have bought from the DAZ 3D Store and downloaded for DAZ Studio that are not working as expected. I'm sure there are others of us that have run into this same type of problem, so I think they could also benefit from a thread like this. If you are one of these people that have a similar problem, feel free to post your problem and your questions here. I know putting in a help ticket would be the normal way to get help, but I think when it is a problem with a certain product that is likely to be more widespread than just one or two users, getting help with it that can be seen by multiple users is the best route to take. In the case of the products I have, I believe this to be the case, especially since I used the DIM to download and install mine. It is not an installation problem that I am having, as they install without any trouble. Rather the problems arise when they are being loaded or manipulated within the scene. So to get the ball rolling as it were, I shall start with my most recent product that is not working properly.
Today, February 23 2016, I bought the Flying Fortress for Millennium Dragon 2. Once it appeared in my copy of DIM's Available Downloads, I downloaded and installed it. Then I launched DAZ Studio 4.8, and looked for the product in 'My DAZ 3D Library' where it was supposed to be, and it was all there. All seemed good. Next I loaded Mil Dragon 2 with some add on body parts into the scene, and then applied the textures. Once that was done I made sure I had Mil Dragon 2 selected as I loaded the different parts of the Flying Fortress for Mil Dragon 2. The only piece that loaded correctly was the head piece that has the saddle. The other parts which are supposed to conform to the figure, would load way bigger and out of place, and the tail armor loaded looking wonky and misshapen! So I then tried loading each piece without having the figure selected. They loaded at the correct size and in place on the figure, but neither fitting or parenting to the figure is working, fitting brings back the extreme oversized and misshapen problem, while parenting causes strange posing problems.
Now I really like this product, and I want it to work for me. I have looked at the promo images and see that the product is capable of working correctly. As a DAZ Original, I should think these types of bugs would have been ironed out already, or that the product would have been updated since the time it was first released in the Store. As it stands, I cannot access the readme, as the readme document cannot be found by clicking on the icon for it in the DIM. Recently I have found several products that are experiencing this. I believe that the Product Readme may have the answer to my question, which is as follows: What is the proper procedure for using the 'Flying Fortress for Mil Dragon 2? Another question I have is this: Where do I find the missing Readme for products that the DIM cannot find them for, and why were those Readmes moved?
Anyone that has the answers to either of these questions please post them in this thread. If this thread works for this product, I will be posting questions concerning other DAZ Studio products later. I want to eventually get all of the problems solved, not just for myself, but for all that are having the same problems with the same products. As stated above, problems with other products and questions about them are welcome here as well. I may even have your answers myself, and if so, I'll provide them freely and willingly. Let's make this a repository of Q&A for DAZ 3D products being used in DAZ Studio.
I had thought that Flying Fortress was fixed. MilDragon 2 loads scaled to 250% rather than 100%, but the Flying Fortress armor was set up scaled to 250% also, so when you fit it to MD2 it scales it up again to 625%. Select the armor and set the scale back to 250% and it will fit.
When I get a chance I'll submit a bug report so this gets fixed.
Products that don't have online readme's should still have them included with the install -- if you right-click on the item in DIM and choose "Show Installed Files" it will give you the link to the readme (in this case, .../ReadMe's/FlyingFortressREADME.htm