Futuristic Glass Elevator and Building Kit - in the store! :) [Commercial]



  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    Wow, @dawnblade, that's beautiful! I really love the red post-apocalyptic glow, the smoke over the ground and the thin outline. Gives it a certain illustrative feel.

    Read the story you wrote - one is left to wonder if the dogs learned to really appreaciate a human being or are simply imitating the real feeling. And if in the end it actually matters. 

    Thank you so much! So glad you liked the render, and thanks for your thoughtful reflection regarding the story. smiley

    Speaking of reflection, I love how the elevator's glass shows reflections so nicely, and the material took on the redness of the scene and shadows. Kudos to you!

    Forgot to say how awesome everyone's renders turned out: @IceDragonArt, @KnittingMommy, and CDV your mix and match!

  • Nyghtfall3DNyghtfall3D Posts: 786
    edited August 2017

    One of my interests is modern contemporary architectural design, and this product is a visual feast.  My only regret is that the image it conjured for my latest project had me looking straight down the elevator shaft.

    In order to translate what was in my head and create an enormous sense of depth, I loaded 10 copies of it and stacked them atop each other.  Then, I hid every element of the lift for each copy, along with each building's rooftop and base, to create a clear view of the shaft all the way down.  Finally, I set the camera's focal length to 35mm to enhance the effect.  Since I don't have anything I can simulate Earth's surface with, I created a plane primitive, scaled it up to encompass the entire field of view, applied the Iray Uber Shader, and used its default white base color to simulate a layer cloud cover below.

    The Story
    Dr. Nox, the leader of an elite criminal organization, was most pleased when the trap door he had installed in his new glass sky lift exceeded his expectations.  His first victim was his personal assistant, who recently botched an important mission.  The security camera's dual functionality was icing on the cake, allowing him to record the look of horror on her face in full-color 2K resolution with 20x optical zoom as she plummeted to her death.  He was especially eager to watch the footage in slow motion.

    Full image here.


    1000 x 563 - 44K
    Post edited by Nyghtfall3D on
  • Nice render, @Nyghtfall. I really like how you used line perspective to let the shaft go down to blurry infinity, you don't see the ground anymore, since it's so far away. Definitely enhances the feeling of height and gives you an impression she's falling insede a glass shaft of a 20+ store building. I would have tweaked her impression a bit, I usually use less extreme expressions with V7 since I find the extremes a bit too toony, but it depends on what kind of effect/genre you were going for. For the rest - nice work. 

    In any case, thank you for using the set. I'm glad to hear it can also be used for contemporary settings, since a big part of it was actually inspired by the modern architecture, mainly my University in Delft (TUDelft library as the prime example and the CitG building close second) and it's good to see that inspiration came across.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Wow that's a gorgeous render Nyghtfall!

  • Here's an episode of my comic that uses your glass elevator..to um...great effect...

    Season II Opener: Force Six, The Annihilators Building Blocks Storm Front

  • avxp that was awesome!

  • Thank you. You are so strong and positive.

    Your significant other must wake up every day feeling like they can conquer the world.

    Please don't change.

  • avxp said:

    Thank you. You are so strong and positive.

    Your significant other must wake up every day feeling like they can conquer the world.

    Please don't change.

    Thank you very much!  My husband is a great guy, I hope I let him know that often enough. 

  • Wow, avxp, read the whole comic episode, amazing work. I really like how you combine environments and outfits, it really seems to have come from one story and universe. And the way you used broken glass on my building, looked very convincing. Thank you very much for using my Glass Elevator Kit in this, you really made good use of it. 

  • Thank you for making it. When I first joined Daz, I remember being angry at you for not having a link to the glass elevator. I didn't understand that it wasn't OUT YET. lol

    Everyone was saying 'great job' and I was so confused. blush

    That felt like a really, really long time ago. So when it arrived, I was like this is sooo familiar.

    Then it all came back. I didn't use Wishlist back then.

    Great great product and it's so left field, but it has a MILLION uses.

    It fits everywhere and it's also an office.....you did an incredible thing.

    We need more stuff like this.

    ANNNDDDD I'd like to to quote you on my website.....

  • Yeah, it might be hard to understand when you're a newbie. And to be fair, the project did take like 1.5 years from start to submission, so it was easy to lose track of what was done and when. I'm so glad you can see it can be used in not just one way. When I created it, it started out obviously sci-fi, but I also wanted it to be possible to use for things like modern architecture and alike. Especially since it was inspired by real-life glass elevators and glass buildings. 

    And of course you can quote me. Noone ever said no to free advertisement. cheeky

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