Does anyone know how to install a file from to DAZ?

First off, I'm a novice to 3D art, DAZ's the first program I've ever used. Does anyone know how to install a file from to DAZ studio? I need a step by step walkthrough please because I'm getting mixed up and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've downloaded a few freebies:

and I can't even get them to load in the program. I've already downloaded, unzipped them and installed them to separate folders by the filename, one file for Penguin, one for Raven, ect.


and from here I've set up separate folders for each file. Was I supposed to do that? I thought maybe if I installed them into separate folders I'd be able to separate which skins work for which character frame, but now I can't find any of them. 



Post edited by kelly_leigh_crutcher on


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    No...that is not correct.  By doing it the way you did, you now have 'nested' runtime folders and the items are not going to be found.

    In the zip file you will find a couple of html files and a folder named Runtime.

    All that you need to do is MERGE that runtime folder with the existing Runtime in a MAPPED content folder (My Library, for example).  Then the items will be found in the Poser Formats section of your Content Library.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    I would recomend creating a Most Digital Creations library folder and install to that.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    jestmart said:

    I would recomend creating a Most Digital Creations library folder and install to that.

    To do that...

    Create, in your OS file manager (Exploer in Windows) a new folder somewhere...something like My Documents > MostDigitalCreations.

    Then place the contents of one of the zip files in that...most likely that will just be the Runtime folder (there are some things that include Daz format files, so they will need to be there too...the ReadMe and 'store page' html files don't need to be there).

    Then in Studio, bring up the Content Directory Manager  Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager

    Expand both Daz and Poser formats...then select Daz formats > Add.  Then navigate to the MostDigitalCreations folder you created in the first step.  OK it.   Repeat for Poser Formats.

    Then merge the Runtime (and any other folders) in there...don't create a separate entry for each item or anything. 

  • edited February 2016

    Merge the Runtime folders? Will one Runtime folder work for all of the files? I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. I've got separate Runtime folders for each program I'm trying to unzip and install.

    Post edited by kelly_leigh_crutcher on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Yes, one Runtime is all you need...


  • When I first got started with DAZ, Most-Digital-Creations was my first stop for free content that worked with it. I read and re-read the directions and did the following for manual installation. First I unzipped the downloaded files right into my downloads folder. Then, I went through like the others have said and navigated to The content folder. My content is set like This: Computer/Users/Public/Public documents/My DAZ 3D Content. If the freebie was for Daz and Poser, I would create in each file it pertained to a folder called MostDigitalCreations, so that I had a place for each type that Adam Thwaites uses for all his content. I then opened the unzipped file folders in one window and opened my conent folder in another and just dragged and dropped. This method works but it can be tedious if you hav a lot to load(took days sometimes), but then I started using the merdge technique like the others have stated. I've found that the direct unzip technique only works with Windows 7. If you're using Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, it doesn't work right, at least for me it doesn't.

  • edited February 2017

    Thanks! I've got windows 8 and it stinks. Now I've got a libraries folder and a texture folder under runtime. The libraries folder has a second libraries folder that's empty, then there's the materials, poses and props folders. It looks like the whole thing's coming out of the DMR Alahna character folder. When I saw that, I deleted the second libraries folder and I'm stuck from here.


    1058 x 1011 - 93K
    Post edited by kelly_leigh_crutcher on
  • If at first you don't succeed...

    I'd start by creating a new folder (anywhere) then unpacking all those zip files to that one single folder. It will then contain one runtime folder and several others underneath. Then all you have to do is move the runtime folder to your own DS library folder. I'd personally recommend using your personal data folder (where you also save your own stuff) so that you don't risk your main library from getting polluted.

    So, in my case I'd move the runtime to: C:\Users\Peter\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library, which also contains a 'runtime' folder for this very purpose.

    You can then access your freebies using the Content library pane (Poser formats => My library).

    Hope this can give you some ideas.


  • edited February 2017

    In each listed freebie I find a .png and a .pp2 file. Are both supposed to remain in the same file?  I also find a bunch of "news" html files. Are they added source code for the installed objects? I know the "readme" files have to be, but I don't know about the ones marked news. They're both .html, so I was thinking source code, but I'm not sure.

    Right now I managed to get the files all unzipped in the "runtime" folder. Crap I wish I knew more about this stuff.I set up a  library insted of a folder and tried to put eveything there.


    Post edited by kelly_leigh_crutcher on
  • May I can recommend you to not "install" or "unzip" applications/zips in C:\Windows ?

    I may really advice you to use custom folders like:

    And from "OPTIONS" to configure in DAZ Studio, you can tell it that you want define THESES folders as POSER format Runtime, not DIM.
    Just after validating all windows in DAZ Studio that are telling you if you're sure to do that, you will notice in "Actors, Wardrobe & Props" you file in the content panel.

    Exactly where you put your poser format runtime fron on !

    (It's really better doing like I say than doing like you want to do...)

  •  Sorry if I sounded like a gripe; I don't know a lot in the way of technical crap and I get frustrated with myself when I don't. I think version's broken because there's no "options" or "configure" listings anywhere in the window. When I look at the bar at the top of the screen all I see is "file, edit, create, tools, render, connect, window" and the "help" section over to the far right.  I thought the config and options might be on one of the dropdown tabs but they're not.

    Do I have to download a version later than 4.9 to get those?

    938 x 881 - 113K
  • Edit>Preferences>Content Library tab>Content Directory Manager will let you manage content directories. You can also do it by right-click on top-level directories and the .. Formats headings in the Content Library pane.

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